Using Searchie to Help Women Reach their Weight Goals

I recently interviewed Michelle Thomas of Onederland Wellness to learn about how she has put Searchie to use for her business. The mission of Onderland Wellness is to help women with the goal of reaching a weight of 199 or lower: in other words, reaching “Onederland.” Michelle helps women to learn how to achieve lasting weight loss and to overcome the belief that they are too old to lose the weight or that they are a lost cause. What meaningful work!

Michelle has set up multiple hubs to serve her clients. She shared two of them in our interview.

Searchie is a Hub for Members to Get Information

Michelle has a Hub for her membership, Oneder Sisters Inner Circle. Here she has links to the group’s busy Google calendar of check-ins, coaching sessions, and Facebook Live Q&A sessions. There is a success path playlist with both video and pdf content. There’s a monthly masterclass that becomes available in the Hub. There is also a constantly-expanding playlist of coaching sessions and Facebook Live sessions available to watch and rewatch.

The members’ weekly check-ins are available in the Hub, as are a playlist of resources.

Searchie is a Hub for Learning about Weight Loss

Michelle has created a separate Hub for the educational component of her program, Become a MicroUnicorn. Members and clients use this Hub to learn how to lose weight without the use of “acceptable food” lists. This information is critical to losing weight and keeping it off for life.

This Hub uses a link to an intake Google form and a link to the program’s Facebook group. There is a playlist of the educational content as well as an ever-growing playlist of recorded Facebook live sessions. 

Save Time Setting Up Your Searchie Hub: Use Tags

Michelle raves about how easy it was to set up her Searchie Hubs and make updates to them. Her advice to someone preparing to create a Searchie Hub? Create a site map of your Hub before you create it. Decide how all of the components will be linked at this stage, and write tags based on this map

By creating tags from the beginning, you’ll save a lot of time and automate processes. For example, tags allow Michelle’s Facebook Live sessions to automatically be uploaded into their proper place in her Hub. She doesn’t need to do anything but conduct her Live session!

Take a look at Michelle’s Hubs and hear the interview here! If you need help getting your Searchie Hub launched—or you don’t have time to go it alone—I can help you. Learn about my day rate, and let’s get this Hub up and working for you!

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