5 Reasons Art Business Websites Should Be on Squarespace

If you’re an artist, you need a website for your business. That’s probably something you already know! Creating a website may seem daunting, but it’s a critical step in creating an online art business and it is a work in progress that you will return to again and again as your art business evolves. 

Whether you sell work directly through your website or use it to show your work, a website communicates to the world that you are a professional. You have control over a website in ways that you can’t with control social media. An amazing website will elevate your business’s brand and drive more sales and connections.

Squarespace is the perfect platform for artists. Why? Because artists need a website that wows, and Squarespace lets you create a beautiful website that will highlight your art. It’s the best choice for artists because Squarespace makes it easy to create and maintain a gorgeous site that has all the bells and whistles you could want.

1) Squarespace Templates are Gorgeous—and Work Well to Showcase Your Artwork

You may be an artist, but that doesn’t mean you’re a graphic designer, right? While you may have the skills to design a layout from scratch, if that’s not your primary business, why would you want to? Squarespace provides a variety of templates for you to choose between, many of which are perfectly suited for artist websites.

The templates allow you to create a clean look that showcases your art. And within each template, there are different types of pages to choose from. You may want a landing page that is completely filled with an image of one of your artworks, with navigation tools at the very top. 

When users come to your site, you have 3-5 seconds to grab their attention and make them want to stay longer. A huge arresting image can accomplish that, as well as a sliding banner showing multiple pieces. An index page can be created to show your portfolio. 

Squarespace allows you to work within the boundaries of a template but it still gives you tons of options within each template. You can still be creative and make it your own.

2) It’s Easy to Create and Update Your Site

As you know, creating an art business website is not “once and done.” You’ll be adding new artwork to the gallery and/or your online shop again and again.

This is where Squarespace’s ease of use saves the day. While you may choose to enlist help in creating your site, you can make the updates changes yourself. It’s possible for the user to create and maintain their own sites without dealing with adding code or changing code or buying a zillion plugins. Squarespace allows you to drag and drop, a process we all are comfortable with. The interface is intuitive and comprehensive.

3) Squarespace Can Adjust to the Needs of Your Business

  • Squarespace Doesn’t Require Plugins for Ecommerce

With Shopify, you can go broke buying plugins. With Squarespace, you won’t get nickeled and dimed—the functions are already on the platform. Do you want to create an online shop for your art? Squarespace allows you to easily set it up, no plugins needed.

  • Squarespace is Versatile for Blogging, Scheduling, and Online Courses

Want to add a blog? A calendar showing your upcoming exhibits and classes? An online course? No problem, Squarespace has that functionality. It can grow along with your business.

4) Squarespace is Great for SEO

You want to amp up your SEO? Keep tabs on your analytics? Create and grow your email mailing list? Squarespace will help you make the most of that. 

  • Squarespace Has Responsive Design for Mobile Users

You’ve read that 40% of web traffic is now from mobile devices, and you’re concerned about your site looking and working right on these devices, huh? You’re in luck, because Squarespace has responsive design: the templates automatically adjust to mobile devices. So they’re not just
“mobile friendly,” they are optimized for mobile.

5) You Can Create a Squarespace Website Quickly

Squarespace offers videos and online userguides to get up and running. Their simple, easy-to-follow instructions make it effortless to get going.

All artists can benefit from a Squarespace website as they grow their brand and their business. I’m here to help you if you want support in creating your website. After that, you’ll be ready to captain your own ship, thanks to Squarespace’s ease of use. 

Preview this Artist Squarespace Site

My client, Caryl Pomales, of Caryl Fine Art, is thrilled with her Squarespace website.

Too busy to build your site? I offer a “website design in one day” service, where you provide me with your content and goals, and I get your website designed and ready to be up and running in just one day. Perfect for a busy artist! Learn more about my services on my website.

With Squarespace, a clean, beautiful art website can be yours. 

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