This Well-Niched Wellness Provider Used Searchie to Create a High-touch Membership

She Experienced a Need and then Filled the Need

Vivian Doan is a fitness and wellness professional who has scoliosis. Her experience of searching fruitlessly for online information to address her scoliosis led her to pursue a degree in physical therapy and to create a program for fellow scoliosis sufferers. Vivian helps people who have scoliosis regain strength and confidence through exercise, nutrition, and mindset practices. What a perfect example of filling a niche and filling a need for a specific group of clients! 

Searchie Allowed Her to Create a High-Touch Wellness Membership 

Vivian wanted her members to be able to find the videos they wanted quickly and easily, and she wanted them to have the sense that she is always right there with them. Searchie provided the perfect platform for her to do that. . .she fell in love with it just like I did.

Searchie Helped Her Organize Her Facebook Live Content

With the push of a button, Vivian was able to add her scores of videos to Searchie, many of which were Facebook Live sessions. Vivian had noticed how time-consuming it was to search for videos in her Facebook membership group, and she sensed that her members had a hard time finding the videos they were looking for in the Facebook format.

Thanks to Searchie playlists and tagging, Vivian is now the master of her video content. The videos are organized in her Hub in clearly-marked playlists such as nutrition, back & core exercises, etc. And members can easily use Searchie’s search bar to locate exactly what they’re looking for—fast.

Searchie Integrates with Telegram to Support Communication with Members

Vivian took advantage of Searchie’s integration with Telegram, a free app that supports encrypted text and video messaging. This allows her members to ask her questions at any time, and it provides Vivian a way to send her members reminders, accountability prompts, and polls.

Just Get that Hub Up—You Can Tweak it Later

Vivian got her Hub up without waiting for it to be perfect. She advises new Searchie users to do the same. She points out that Searchie makes it really easy to continue to tweak and improve your Hub. She’s still integrating member feedback to improve the Hub and swapping out thumbnails.

Check out my interview with Vivian to learn even more about how she organized her Hub. The doors to her membership are opening in June, which is scoliosis awareness month. 


Want to create your own Searchie Hub in a matter of days? Join my 4-day bootcamp, Hub Up! I’m offering the next session of it June 22nd through 25th. It’s limited to 15 people - don’t wait! Learn more and register here.


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