Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Searchie Playlists

Y’all—I’m Spilling the Beans About Searchie Playlists!

If Searchie is on your radar, you’ve likely heard the playlist feature mentioned. But are you aware of what that means? It’s not as cut-and-dry as a playlist of music on your phone. In this post, I’ll explain what Searchie playlists are and some of the ways they can help you provide content to your customers effectively.

What are Searchie Playlists?

Just like the music playlists that you’re familiar with, the basic idea behind a Searchie playlist is that it’s a curated selection of content. The content could be audio or video files. It’s a snap to create a new playlist on the Searchie main page, and you can arrange the content in order if you wish. 

Sharing Searchie Playlists

Once you have created a playlist, how do you share it with your customers? You can share the playlist with a shareable link (like an email or social media), by adding the playlist to your Searchie Hub, or embedding it on your website. Searchie makes it simple to share it each of these ways; you don’t need specialized knowledge.

Here’s one of my most popular playlists embedded here on my Squarespace website - my Searchie Training playlist:

Setting Up Automation

Let’s say that you have a playlist that contains all of your Facebook Live sessions, making them easy to access for your audience. But wait—You are continually conducting new Facebook Live sessions. How will they get into the playlist? Will this be a hassle?

The good news is that you can automate processes through file sharing, allowing your Facebook Live sessions to automatically load into Searchie and pop into their appropriate playlist. You don’t have to take any additional steps—the recorded, captioned, searchable recordings of the Facebook Live sessions will continue to populate that playlist.

Searchie Playlists Highlight Just the Right Stuff

Highlight Relationships

The relationships you establish with your clients is critical to your success. Why not solidify that with recorded sessions your clients can easily access time and again? As mentioned above, Searchie playlists are a great way to capitalize on and organize the content generated by live sessions on Facebook or other community video chats, such as Zoom sessions. If you have private one-on-one consulting or coaching calls, you can use tagging so that the individual client’s videos all go to a playlist that only they have access to. You and your clients will have an easy time locating the recordings and searching through them. 

Highlight Important Content

Keeping your content front-and-center is key and we all know that content overwhelm can be an issue. Searchie playlists make it easy to dole out just the right material at just the right time. If you host a membership that has a success path or if you’re teaching a course, you can set up the various learning modules as their own playlists. When a participant is ready for the next step, their tag can be added to allow them access to the playlist for that module. If too much or too little is being presented, it’s easy to adjust. 

Highlight What They Want

Playlists are a smart way to organize large volumes of video or audio content so your clients can find them more easily. . .why make them dig for the material you know they want when you can serve it right up to them?

A piece of content can have multiple Searchie tags, allowing it to be part of multiple playlists. Some entrepreneurs make effective use of this, such as a fitness instructor having playlists for the parts of the body that the client wants to work on (“core,” “arms,” “legs,” etc.) as well as playlists for fitness levels (beginner through advanced). There could also be playlists for the duration of the workout, allowing clients with only 15 minutes to find a selection of quick workouts.

Playlists Make it Easy for Your Clients to Consume Your Content

Think about playlists as the way that you sort your content for easy discovery and digestion. You can shuffle them into whatever playlists make sense and offer your customers different options. Playlists make it easy to be a good librarian of your content and to serve your customers well. Can you see why I’m obsessed with Searchie?

Are you interested in creating a Searchie Hub (including planning out your playlists), but want some hand-holding? I’m hosting a new session of my 4-day (8-hour) Hub Up! workshop June 22nd—25th, 2021. Learn more and sign up here.


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