3 Ways Searchie Transcripts Will Uplevel Your Business

If Searchie is on your radar, then you are likely aware that all Searchie video can be automatically captioned. But are you aware that with the push of a button the captions can be made into transcripts? These transcripts are supremely useful to you, your clients, and your business. Here are three of the reasons why:

Searchie Transcripts Help You Serve All Your Clients

Some people have hearing deficits, hearing loss, processing differences, and more. Meanwhile, the internet is becoming more and more flooded with video and audio. You want to be sure to serve all of your customers well, so providing them with not only the captions but the option of downloading transcripts will make for happy clients.

Searchie Transcripts Give Your Clients Choices

Everyone likes to make choices, right? It gives us a sense of control and allows us to set things up just the way that’s best for us. By offering your clients transcripts of the video content you deliver via Searchie, you are empowering your clients to absorb the content in whatever way best suits them. One type of client wants to watch video. Another would prefer to read the transcript in the bathtub, highlighter in hand. Searchie makes it simple to make both of these clients happy.

And more than just preferences come into play here: We all have our own unique learning styles. Some people are visual learners and some are auditory learners. Searchie lets you easily deliver content in multiple ways to serve all types of learners. The better they are able to absorb the information, the more impact your content will have on them.

Easily Repurpose Your Content with Searchie Transcripts

This third reason is all about you, the busy entrepreneur. I know that you’re on a treadmill of content creation. Searchie transcripts are the perfect way to mine your current content and repurpose it. Using your transcripts, you can easily use your video content to:

  • Create a book from your transcripts!

  • Create blog posts based on the transcript content.

  • Mine client feedback for testimonials or your own market research.

  • Provide a handout or worksheet for your clients.

Searchie transcripts are a good way to study and uplevel your business while providing excellent service and value to all types of clients.

Make Sure to Turn on Transcription Settings!

Searchie allows you to control the settings on two levels. The first is system-wide. The second is at the video level. 

If you’d generally like transcripts to be able to be downloaded, toggle the transcripts on at the system level under settings. 

But if there is content here and there that you’d like more control over, you can toggle the transcript setting off. If there’s one particular piece of content you don’t want the transcripts to be downloadable, just make sure to toggle off on that content at the content level. 

Here’s a quick Searchie video showing you how to do this.

Thinking of using Searchie but feeling unsure? Have a free chat with me about it! I can get you up and running on Searchie in a snap, whether you’re creating a website, membership, or online course.


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