This Human Design Entrepreneur Uses Searchie as a Landing Page for her Unique Offerings

Have you ever heard of the field of Human Design? Perhaps you’ve heard people refer to themselves as “Manifesting Generators” or using other terms from Human Design. My client Kris Prochaska is a Human Design expert, instructor, consultant, artist, and former therapist. She helps clients understand their design and use it to design their lives, businesses, and relationships.

I recently interviewed Kris about her business and the Searchie Hub that I helped her create.

Searchie Allows Visitors to Engage with the Sales Page

Kris told me that she wanted visitors to her Hub to engage with the content and feel that they could choose their own adventure. She loves how Searchie makes it easy to put short videos throughout, so visitors can read text or watch videos as they explore her sales page.

Kris’ about page is chock full of information (text and video), allowing the visitor to learn more about Kris, Human Design, and her offerings. Her goal was to allow the visitor to consume the content of the sales page in the same way that they’ll consume the content of the offerings later.

Searchie Tags Prevent Overwhelm

Kris pointed out that there is a huge amount of Human Design information on her Hub, and she didn’t want anyone to get overwhelmed or confused. Searchie tags make it easy to allow clients to only see the information that is relevant to them, so they don’t get overwhelmed or confused.

Create a Welcome Video with Searchie Chrome Extension

Using the Searchie Chrome extension, Kris records a tour of her Hub. This is a brilliant way to show prospective clients exactly what they will have access to in the offering—what’s hiding behind the curtain. This not only shows how the navigation works in the Hub but excites the viewer into making an informed purchase.

Kris’ Advice on Using Searchie: Dream Big!

Kris advises prospective Searchie users to start simple and dream big. She found it helpful to use my Searchie Hub design services to create the Hub, but now feels like making changes to her Hub and managing it is fun and easy.

She recommends sketching your Hub framework (aka, a site map) on paper before you begin, allowing yourself to think it all through. You can then hand off the framework to a Hub designer or use it yourself as you create the Hub. Once the framework is in place, you just need to flesh it out.

It was a pleasure to work with Kris as we created her beautiful Hub. If you’d like help to create the Searchie Hub of your dreams, contact me to learn how I can help you.


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