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Michelle Sandler Michelle Sandler

Simplify Your Marketing Strategy: Untangle Jargon and Find What Works

Feeling lost in a sea of marketing jargon? Does building your online business feel more like deciphering ancient scrolls than enjoying a an easy-breezy beach day? You're not alone. This post is your life raft, designed to untangle the marketing mystery and help you discover what truly works for your business. We'll break down essential marketing terms, explore popular channels like email marketing and social media, and provide a simple framework to help you choose the right marketing tactics. Conquer the Marketing Mystery: Untangle the Jargon and Find What Works for Your Business will equip you to build a strong marketing strategy and watch your online business flourish.

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Michelle Sandler Michelle Sandler

Captivating Content: Craft Copy that Catches Clients, Not Cats

Have you ever gotten stuck wading through shallow marketing messages that leave you feeling parched for something more? Phrases like 'I'm the best' or 'I can help you achieve your goals' can feel as refreshing as a lukewarm cup of pool water on a scorching day. They might quench your thirst momentarily, but they don't leave you feeling truly connected.

Here's the secret to crafting marketing copy that's as refreshing as a cool ocean breeze: ditch the 'I' and focus on building a sandcastle of benefits for your ideal client. Instead of shouting about your expertise from the rooftops, weave a captivating story about how your services can help them achieve their dreams and create a life they love.

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Michelle Sandler Michelle Sandler

Build a Thriving Business: Uncover Your "Real"

Feeling like a "fake" entrepreneur? Learn a powerful lesson from The Velveteen Rabbit about overcoming self-doubt and building a successful business you love. Discover how to connect with clients, build momentum, and find your "real" on your entrepreneurial journey.

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