Searchie: The BEST Video Hosting for Businesses

Most businesses are finding themselves with an ever-growing library of video content. And for knowledge-based online businesses—where the video content IS the product—the amount of video is staggering. It’s critically important for businesses to consider what video platform is right for them, and I’m here to make the bold statement that Searchie is the very best video hosting platform for business. Here’s why.

Searchie Makes it Easy to Organize and Use Your Content

If you’re a business with tons of videos, you can easily waste a ton of time digging through all of them to find the one you’re looking for. With Searchie, you can find your videos in a couple of easy ways. 

First, you can use the Searchie Search Bar in your Searchie Library to search via keywords. Let’s say you were looking for the video where you mentioned Brené Brown. Rather than being a needle-in-the-haystack search, you could simply put her name into the Searchie Search Bar and be taken not only to the video when you said her name but to the exact moment you uttered it.

You can also organize your videos into playlists and assign tags to them. Thus, one video may show up in various playlists. Let’s say you teach knitting online and you’re creating a new online course. You already have a video showing how to do the purl stitch, but where is it? You can search in the probable playlists that it would be in, such as “basic stitches,” “stitch library,” etc. 

Your clients can also find the content they’re looking for using these two methods. They can search for terms in the Searchie Search Bar or look through the playlists that you provide in the Searchie Hub. I’ve had fitness coaches who have exercise videos in multiple playlists, allowing the client to search via the part of the body they want to exercise, the length of the video, the fitness level of the participant, or special needs such as pregnancy or injury recovery. The videos were uploaded once and with a few keystrokes, they were assigned to all of the playlists that are appropriate.

Searchie Make it Easy to Sell Your Content

With Searchie, it’s a snap to sell access to your content in the form of an online course, a membership, a coaching platform, a digital product, an online summit, and more. With easy integration with Stripe, ConvertKit, and other platforms, you can provide a bespoke experience to your clients. You can allow some of this content to be available for free as a lead magnet, too. 

Searchie gives your clients the accessibility that they are looking for, too. All of the videos in Searchie are automatically transcribed (and Searchie supports over 25 languages!). This allows your videos to have captions, which is important to many users. You can also take the transcripts of your videos and make them into downloadable pdfs for clients who prefer to learn by reading. Or take those transcripts and you’ve got a first draft for an ebook! Lastly, Searchie allows you to create podcast-style playlists of your videos for your clients who prefer to listen and learn on the go.

Searchie is Perfect for Podcasters

You can create podcast audio recordings or videos in Searchie and easily offer them to the public through platforms like Apple Podcasts and Spotify. The automatic transcriptions allow you to offer transcripts with no additional work on your part, and these help interested prospects find you via SEO.

Searchie’s AI can take your podcast video and create a summary for use as a description or to make a longer summary with chapters (perfect for a blog post or ebook). It’s such a time-saver!

Coaches Love Searchie

Coaches and Searchie are a perfect match. Searchie’s tagging feature allows you to create an individualized user experience in your Searchie Portal. Your client can access replays of their one-on-one video coaching sessions with you, replays of group coaching calls, and educational content that is relevant to them. All of this is done with automations, so all you need to do is have the coaching call and it’s then added to Searchie, transcribed and captioned, and placed in the appropriate playlists—while you’re still having your post-call coffee!

Searchie is Perfect for Training Portals

There is so much training in business—from onboarding and training new employees to end user training to HR training. A Searchie Hub for training videos is the perfect way to organize and deliver these videos. For example, I had a large enterprise client who offers many agricultural products. They asked me to create a Searchie training Hub so that the sales people could be trained and so they could educate their customers about these complex products.

A Free—or Paid—Summit in Searchie

Hosting an online summit is a great way to build credibility in your industry. Searchie makes it easy to host, organize, and consume this content. The summit could be a killer lead magnet for all of the presenters, or it could also be a paid event. Or perhaps a hybrid: free access for a limited time and then a fee for those who’d like long-term access.

Smart Video Hosting is Searchie’s Mission

Searchie was founded by an industry leader in online marketing and education, Stu McLaren. He created the platform that he saw was missing in the marketplace. Since its debut, Searchie has become better and better, attracting legions of entrepreneurs. Want to learn more about how Searchie can help you and your business? Read my full review of Searchie, or peruse my blog—it’s chock full of helpful information about Searchie. And I love helping entrepreneurs like you get up and running on Searchie!

Let’s Create Your Hub!

If you feel stuck or overwhelmed with Searchie, I create Hubs for my clients to get them moving…making money tomorrow!

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