A Great Sales Funnel in a Searchie Hub

PatientPoint offers a doctor-patient engagement platform that makes for more positive and effective engagement between doctors and their patients both online and in the office. PatientPoint’s contractor came to me for help in creating a free online Searchie “membership” that provides sales training for businesses in the healthcare arena. 

The Searchie Hub I created for them contains a free training course with 30 lessons, “meet the coaches” videos, a bonus video, and the opportunity for the participant to share their wins and ask a question.

This interactive part—sharing wins and asking questions—uses VideoAsk, an asynchronous communication platform that makes for powerful, personalized interactions. What a great way to literally get a conversation started with a prospective client!

Here’s what the Searchie Hub and VideoAsk page look like:

What a great way for PatientPoint to share free content and further their relationship with prospects! I love how the Hub provides real value to the prospect without a heavy handed sales approach. Can you think of a similar idea for your business? If so, I’d be happy to create a Searchie Hub for you!

Let’s Create Your Hub!

If you feel stuck or overwhelmed with Searchie, I create Hubs for my clients to get them moving…making money tomorrow!

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