Searchie is a Dream Come True for This Dream Expert!
Michael Sheridan has been analyzing dreams professionally for almost 30 years. When it comes to dreams, he knows his stuff. Michael was using Ruzuku to provide education to his clients to help them better understand their dreams, and he came to me for help in transitioning this content over to Searchie.
I was intrigued (what a cool specialty!) and delighted to help. As part of my Build My Searchie Hub VIP Experience, all Michael had to do was give me his vision for his Searchie membership and his branding information. I was able to quickly create a working Searchie membership Hub that had placeholders for all of the content that Michael wanted to transfer over or create. Take a look!
Private Hub
Public Hub
As you can see, Michael’s Searchie membership Hub is clean and clear, offering monthly lessons, dream interpretation information based on content (such as animals, places, etc.), access to individual or group Zoom sessions as well as their replays, and a handy Searchie Search Bar to help members zip right to the content that they’re looking for.
Are you dreaming of hosting an online course, membership, or coaching program using Searchie? Sign up for my VIP Experience and let’s make those Searchie dreams come true!
Let’s Create Your Hub!
If you feel stuck or overwhelmed with Searchie, I create Hubs for my clients to get them moving…making money tomorrow!
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