Deliver Multiple Online Courses in One Searchie Hub
Tree Franklyn, one of my terrific clients, is a dynamic coach and author who helps empathic HSPs (highly-sensitive people) learn to manage their emotional energy, avoid overwhelm, and become strong, resilient people. Tree has developed numerous online courses in addition to her membership, Empathic Awakening Academy.
In my interview with Tree, we took a tour of her Searchie Hub and demonstrated two ways to organize Hubs when you have multiple courses and membership. Does that describe your needs—or your anticipated needs? Then be sure to read on or watch the interview.
A Searchie Convert is Born
Tree first started presenting her online courses in WordPress. Later on, she used Teachable as her delivery mechanism.
She heard about Searchie and thought it was perfect for her business—allowing clients to search through coaching call videos and all the other content to locate the information they wanted. And when Searchie began offering Hubs, Tree saw the huge value it offered her!
A Searchie Hub Containing All Courses and a Membership
Tree led us on a tour of her newest Hub, which contains her content as she’d like to sell it: For one price, users have access to ALL of her courses.
As the viewer scrolls down the page, they see all of the courses that are available. They can enter any of these courses with the touch of a button. These buttons lead the user to a landing page for each course. So anyone with access to this Hub automatically has access to all of the courses nested within it.
Each course has a welcome video (Hub tour) and clear navigation through the modules. It’s basically impossible for the user to get lost in this Hub, thanks to Tree’s clearly marked navigation. If you already have a Hub, analyze it from a new user’s perspective:
Are there any dead-end alleys or crossroads where your visitor could get lost and confused?
Do they have an easy way to get back to the Hub home screen?
It helps to give users the choice of moving backwards step by step or bailing out all the way to the home screen.
At the bottom of the home screen, there is information about her membership (sold separately), and users can click that button to go to the sales page for the membership. Members in Tree’s program get live coaching from Tree and a supportive community, taking their development even deeper.
Selling Individual Courses in Searchie
Next, Tree showed us the alternative setup for her courses (which was easy and fast to build: once the content is in Searchie, it’s so easy to shuffle it and manage access to it). For this Hub, each nested course is a Hub (a sub-Hub, if you will) of its own. Users click on the course links and link to the Searchie Hub she created for that course. Most users won’t even recognize they’ve “left” the primary course Hub for another Hub. . .but, in essence, that’s what they’ve done.
Why design a Hub this way as well as the previous version? Tree likes leaving the door open to sell access to the courses on an individual basis or to use a course as a lead-in to membership or a longer-format course. This nested Hub allows her to easily do that.
And thanks to Searchie’s Stripe integration, Tree can easily take payments from clients who want access to one or all of her courses!
Get Help and Advice on Searchie
Tree suggests that prospective and new Searchie users drink up the generous videos offered by Searchie to learn all about how the features work and to see examples.
She also suggests getting help (like I said, she’s a client of mine). Tree points out that some people don’t have time to set up their Hubs and it makes sense for them to hire a pro to do it for them; others are just stuck as they DIY it and need a little help to get unstuck.
Together Tree and I were able to bring her dreams to life. Now she is an empowered Searchie user who feels that it’s a snap to set up a new Hub! I love it when my clients are ready to take the reins of their Searchie Hubs and run with it.
Let’s Create Your Hub!
If you feel stuck or overwhelmed with Searchie, let’s talk. I create Hubs for my clients in a flash—and as you can see from Tree’s interview, the results are phenomenal!
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Get Your Searchie Hub Up!
This is really all you need to get started! Personalize your Searchie Hub with a few easy clicks. These clean, fresh, professionally designed Canva templates work right in Searchie. All you need to do is add your own images.
*Some of these links are affiliate links, which means I may get a commission if you purchase. However, none of the fees of these resources have been increased to compensate me. When possible, if special discounts are provided to me, I extend them to you!