A Guided Template Was All She Needed to Launch with Searchie

Mary Debono has a remarkable business: She applies the Feldenkrais therapy to horse riding, helping riders and their horses enjoy more flexible, balanced movement and a deeper connection. She wanted to use Searchie to deliver an online membership program as well as online coaching in her niche.

Mary got started with my free Searchie starter kit, and then purchased my guided template. She raves about how the template took her by the hand as she created her online offerings: I purchased Michelle’s Guided Hub Template and it was up and running in no time. I felt like she was there with me, cheering me on.”

What a great example of how just a little help from a template can launch a great online offering! What offerings are you dreaming of? Use one of my affordable guided Hub templates to make it happen!

Let’s Create Your Hub!

If you feel stuck or overwhelmed with Searchie, I create Hubs for my clients to get them moving…making money tomorrow!

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*Some of these links are affiliate links, which means I may get a commission if you purchase. However, none of the fees of these resources have been increased to compensate me. When possible, if special discounts are provided to me, I extend them to you!


Searchie’s New Hub Switcher Feature


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