Searchie’s New Hub Switcher Feature
The Searchie Dashboard—Your Command Center
When you’re using Searchie to deliver an online course, membership, and/or coaching program to the online space, the Searchie dashboard is your command center. This is the place you’ll go to customize your Hub, make the Hub public (for example, if you’re using it as a website or funnel freebie) or private (for paid clients only), preview and share your Hub, control the settings if your Hub (such as the domain, SEO, and more), manage the Hub audience, and see activity and analytics. As you can see, the Searchie dashboard makes you the master and commander of your Hub in one place!
As if all that capability wasn’t enough, the Searchie team has upped their game yet again by adding a new feature to the dashboard: the Hub Switcher feature. This will allow your customers to toggle between any of your Hubs that they have access to. Leave it to the Searchie development team to make life better and simpler for us and our customers! 🤗
How To Connect Your Hubs with the Hub Switcher
Like anything else with Searchie, it’s a snap to use this new feature. First, you need to have more than one Hub (or else why would you need to switch between Hubs, lol 🤣🤣🤣) and be a Searchie Pro plan or higher subscriber. The Searchie Pro plan is for folks who want to offer multiple Hubs.
Go into your Hub Editor and select the Hub Header. The Hub Switcher will be located in the header of your Hubs. You’ll see that there is a toggle switch for Hub Switcher. Turn it on, and then you can create a custom label for your audience to see. Indicate which Hubs will be linked. The default is set to show all hubs, so make sure to customize if you want to narrow the offering.
You’ll want to show your audience how to use the Searchie Hub Switcher at the top left of their Hub homepage. It’s a great addition to your welcome video and Hub tour, or you could use the Searchie Chrome extension to make a quick video showing them how it works.
One question I’ve been getting about this is if the user will need to login to the Hub they switch to. The answer is NO. It’s helpful if your users create the same username and password for all their hubs to make this a seamless process.
The Searchie Hub switcher will make it seamless and easy for your customers to toggle between the different offerings they’ve bought from you: from course to course, to membership, and back. No more bookmarking multiple landing pages or fumbling around!
This new feature is an example of why I love Searchie so much: They’ve created an amazing product and they never stop making it better and better! If you’re considering using Searchie to create an online offering, DO IT! Want to be guided by the hand as you create your Hub? My guided Searchie Hub templates make it easy and goof proof! For those who don’t have the time or patience to do it themselves, I can do it all for you in my Build My Searchie Hub VIP Experience.
Let’s Create Your Hub!
If you feel stuck or overwhelmed with Searchie, I create Hubs for my clients to get them moving…making money tomorrow!
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