5 Ways Searchie Hubs Make Your Life Easy & Grow Your Business

What is a Searchie Hub?

When you first hear about Searchie, you hear the word “Hub” a lot. But you may be unsure about what exactly a Searchie Hub is. Allow me to clear this up for you!

Searchie has a tool called the Hub builder that allows you to quickly and easily create a Hub using dragging and dropping. You can create a custom domain and URL for your Hub. Your hub could be a company landing page, a sales page for a launch, a membership site, the portal for an online course or workshop, a page where you deliver content to coaching or consulting clients, a page where an event replay is posted, a hosting area for a podcast, or perhaps for internal company programs or communication. As you can see, a Searchie Hub can be all kinds of things!

Searchie Hubs are Simple to Create

Most people who create a Searchie Hub have a similar reaction: It’s so easy! If I can do it, anyone can.

The reason they rave is because Searchie’s Hub builder tool has a remarkable simple user interface. Know how to drag and drop? Know how to make a selection from a list? Then you have the knowhow to create and customize your Hub.

What exactly will you be dragging, dropping, and selecting? I’m glad you asked. You’ll be dragging and dropping the content into the Hub—whether that is video or audio that you’ve loaded into your Searchie folder or sub-folder, a pdf or other document that you want to share with your audience, your logo, photos, or a thumbnail or template that you want to import. 

The selections you’ll be making will be to choose from an array of fonts and to employ whatever color scheme you want (your brand colors or any color scheme). 

You can have a Hub up and running quickly! I can do a simple Hub in 10 minutes. Searchie takes the design work out of your hands and helps you get up and running quickly.

Lean on Canva for Design Help

Searchie integrates with Canva. When you connect your Searchie and Canva accounts, you’ll instantly gain access to thousands of Canva templates that you can use as cover images for your video or audio playlists, the names of modules or units, or for other navigation through your Hub. The templates are a snap to modify, and they look terrific! It’s like having the services of a graphic designer at your fingertips.

You could also buy Searchie templates from me, which are super-easy to customize.

Use Integrations to Automatically Add Content

You can integrate your Searchie Hub with Zoom or Facebook to automatically add captioned recordings of your related Zoom calls or Facebook Live sessions. You can easily set it up in Searchie so the videos will be stored where they belong on the Hub. That takes several tasks off your plate! And the addition of the content adds additional value to your Hub.

Searchie Looks Good on All Devices

Responsive design is critical—and Searchie makes it easy. Searchie is seamless across all devices (desktop/laptop, tablet, and mobile). Your Hub will look and perform exactly as you wish across all of these devices without you having to do anything. Your clients, students, and prospects will all love the way your material looks and be wowed by your content.

Control Who Sees Your Hub—and Who Sees What

Searchie allows you to set your Hub to the public (like for a landing or sales page that you want the whole world to see) or private (allowing only your paying clients or your team members to see). Within your Hub, you can even have content that only certain viewers get to see, such as a paid (or premium) content. Using Searchie’s tagging feature (more on that in a blog post soon), you can control who sees what by tagging the users and the content.

Curious About Searchie Hubs?

I hope that by now you are impressed with the multitude of ways that a Searchie Hub can be used. If you’re intrigued but you’d like to see examples of Searchie Hubs and learn more, visit my Searchie Success Facebook page to see interviews with entrepreneurs who have created Searchie Hubs in creative and interesting ways. I’ll also be hosting a Searchie Show-N-Tell in late May 2021. Learn more here.


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