This Creative Entrepreneur Used Searchie as a Lead Magnet without a Hub!

Christina Escanes helps people unleash their creativity by learning how to use their sewing machines. At 65-years-young, she wanted to create a lead magnet and a membership with the least muss and fuss. She learned about Searchie and dove in boldly.

Christina created a 5-day challenge on her website using 5 short videos that she embedded from Searchie. She also used Canva to create a free ebook about needles and thread. In my interview with Christina, she raves about how easy it was to use her website as a landing page and to embed Searchie videos from her folder. I was so impressed at how Christina went ahead and used Searchie to begin her launch before creating a Hub!

Searchie Fit Seamlessly into her Existing Website

Later, Christina created her membership site using Searchie. She found it so easy! She simply embedded it into her existing website. (UPDATE: Searchie Hubs do not embed into websites. You can embed videos and playlists) She didn’t need to reinvent the wheel. Christina’s founding membership is up and running!

What does Christina advise people who are new to Searchie? Keep it simple and go for it! Christina simply copied the sample Hub from Searchie’s Plan It Build It classes, and that made creating her membership site a snap! She advises others to not be afraid of the technology. 

There’s no better testimonial than these words from Christina: “Searchie has changed my life!”

Free Searchie Starter Kit

Free Searchie Starter Kit

This series of eight, five minute videos will walk you through step-by-step how to get started on Searchie and launch your course or membership site.


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