5 Time-Saving Canva Tips

Make It Stand Out.

Today, I'm going to give you some tips on how to use Canva - five quick tips you can use to make using Canva even easier for you.

They are:

  • animate

  • rules/guides

  • group elements

  • change color elements throughout

  • align on page

I created this quick video to walk through how to use these features. Watch it here. Below is the transcript.


So the first tip I want to use is animation. So we're going to make this really fun Halloween, Facebook posts come to life. So we've got all these cute little bats on here (woooo, so scary).

So we're going to animate them. So just click on this animation button here, and you've got all these different options. You can just kind of click through them and see how you want to animate this. You can see there's lots of different options here. You can rise, you can tumble and stomp baseline pop. Some of these features are pro only. You can see that with the little crown.

Those are pro options, but even with a free Canva, you have quite a few options. And you can set the timing on this for, you know, to make it go for a longer animation time or for shorter animation time. So you can adjust that there. Okay. So that's the first tip: animate. That's really fun.

The second thing is rulers and grids. So a lot of times when you're in here and you're trying to line things up, so you see how nice all of this is lined up and you want to make sure that things are lining up nice and straight. You can use this ruler here. You just go over here to file and select rulers and guides.

And then these rulers pop up over here, along the side, and to get this ruler over here on the, excuse me, the horizontal level to come up, you just come over here and drive from the left and you can set the margin going vertically. I think I said vertically earlier. I meant that vertically. And here's your horizontal, it's just drag and click, drag and click.

So the other thing that you can do is you can group elements. So if you want to move things around on your page, you can group elements so that they stay together. So I'm going to group these things here and make sure that when I move them around on the page, they stayed together. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to use my shift and click button to keep all of these things together.

So I'm going to click shift and click with these items here, and then I'm going to come up here. Oops, I didn't quite get that and click group.

So now when I move these things around, they stayed together and it makes it a lot easier. You can actually even like, say, okay, I don't want to have out on the page. I want to work with just with those items. And then it helps you just, just sort of keep those items together and work with them as you want to.

And then if you say, Oh, now I don't want them. You know, you can ungroup. And if you see something that in Canva looks like you, sometimes if you work with a template, things will already be grouped and you can see if you just click over it. And then you see this ungroup appear that that means that these items were already grouped together.

So you can just click on group and then group them and then work with them individually. You can shift and drag your mouse to group elements. So shift and drag. So like, if you wanted to drive both of these, both of these backs up at the top, you can do that and group those together and then move them, you know, however you want and place them in your graphic, however you want. So you can also use shift g one, and that does the same thing. So, a bunch of different ways to group elements there. So that's shift g one to group elements. So that is grouping elements. That's our tip number three. So we have animate is tip number one, rulers and guides is tip number two, grouping elements is tip number three. Then next thing I want to teach is color.

So we've got this orange color here. Let's say that we want to change this color. And you know, it's the same all throughout this whole entire graphic, let's say that we wanted to change it to something else. So one of the things that you can do is you can, let's say that we want to change it to a deeper color orange.

So you notice that when I do that down here, it pops up this change all. So you can do that and just click change all. And it changes all of the color throughout the only downside to this is that it does not change the text. So you do have to go in and change the text, color yourself. So that is changing the color throughout. And that is one really nice feature about, about Canva. If you have a document that you're working on, like a lot of times when you have a presentation document and it's all one color you can go through and use that color change. So that's tip number four in color, all throughout. It's really big saver. The next one is align.

So if you, you notice that these are all center aligned and they're aligned also, you can, you can change the alignment of things by using this position. So a lot of times you can say, okay, I want to align this to the top of the page. It makes it really easy because things will then be the same throughout, which is really nice. So for example, here, it'll be consistent. So if you want to change this so that it's consistent, then that's one really nice thing. So then you can say, Hey, now I want this to be center aligned. You want to move this left, and then you want to change this to the bottom. It just keeps it so that it's consistent. You can change also the position of your text. You can change. It's just a nice way to keep things nice and neat and tidy so that if you, for example, want to change the position of this, then it's going to keep it right aligned. And if these things were grouped, by the way, it would change the position of, of these items. If you grouped all of these things and you change the position of them. Let's just group these things here and change the position, they would all change together. So, so that was one nice thing. So that is tip number five, align. So keep your documents nice and tidy by aligning them and just aligning them to page. Basically that's for today, your five tips. Each Friday, I love giving you either five tips or tips under five minutes, and it's either based on branding or website tips. Basically anything that I can do to help make your life easier on the web or with branding. So check back each Friday for some great tips on how to make your life easier. Look forward to seeing you then.


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