4 Things You Can Do in Searchie to Keep Your Customers Coming Back
Perhaps you’ve seen a dropoff in engagement with your membership—or worse, cancellations. Or maybe you offer an online course but you can see by the Searchie analytics that many customers are not completing the course.
We, humans, suffer from Shiny Object Syndrome. We hear about a program and we think that this is exactly what we need and dive in. But after the newness wears off, it’s easy for us to get seduced by the next shiny object being offered by someone else.
Does this mean your program is doomed to be abandoned? No! But you need to take steps to use that Shiny Object Syndrome to your advantage to keep your customers coming back.
Wondering how to accomplish that? Here are four ways you can do it in Searchie:
Drip Content Using Searchie
Searchie allows you to drip your content playlist by playlist. This is an easy way to release one module per week, which keeps your customers coming back for the new content. This is much more effective than a deluge of content.
If the playlist-by-playlist method is not a good fit for your content, there are other workaround methods that I describe in this blog post.
2. Engage with VideoAsk
Searchie integrates with a cool video tool called VideoAsk. You can use this tool in many different ways, such as having asynchronous conversations with your clients, collecting video testimonials, or gathering questions and feedback.
So how can VideoAsk help you keep your customers coming back? In several ways:
They’ll feel more satisfied with your program because their voice is literally being heard
The video testimonials collected via VideoAsk will remind them of the program’s value
They can get to know other participants via these videos (try having them introduce themselves via video—it really helps them to gel as a group)
It makes programs more interactive and fun!
I have an affiliate link with VideoAsk, and you can save 10% using my link and the code 5PNcCLPk.
3. Drop Bonus Content
Perhaps your customers are accustomed to content drops from you on the 1st and the 15th of the month. While that schedule can help them stay interested and engaged with your Hub, consider dropping “Bonus Content” from time to time. You can let your customers know about this via email, including a link to take them straight to the Hub to view the new content.
Dropping bonus content with fanfare reminds the customer of how much value you’re delivering—a sense that you’re going above and beyond for them (which you are). And keeping customers happy and interested is what it’s all about!
4. Don’t Let Them Suffer in Silence
If you’re like me and you keep an eagle eye on Searchie analytics, you may notice trends in customer engagement. You can consider whether it’s the content (are there some modules that they don’t care for? Or are they feeling overwhelmed by the previous module’s content and not ready to move on?) or the time of year (no surprise if engagement dips over the holidays) or something else.
You might want to use this as an opportunity to reach out to the participants and find out if they’re stuck. Is a Q&A session needed STAT? Do you need to create new content to help them with a certain roadblock?
You can create a poll, directly email the clients, use VideoAsk, or speak to them in a live session. By listening closely to their needs and responding to them, you’ll be making your program the best it can be—and you’ll keep the customers happy and coming back!
Let’s Create Your Hub!
If you feel stuck or overwhelmed with Searchie, let’s talk. I create Hubs for my clients in a flash.
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Get Your Searchie Hub Up!
This is really all you need to get started! Personalize your Searchie Hub with a few easy clicks. These clean, fresh, professionally designed Canva templates work right in Searchie. All you need to do is add your own images.
*Some of these links are affiliate links, which means I may get a commission if you purchase. However, none of the fees of these resources have been increased to compensate me. When possible, if special discounts are provided to me, I extend them to you!