5 Ways You Can Personalize Your Searchie Hub
Nobody gets the warm fuzzies by taking an impersonal online course or membership that’s one size fits all. But as a creator of these programs, is there any alternative?
Shell, yes! Searchie allows you to create an individualized experience for your students and members. These small changes have a big impact, furthering your relationship with your client. Here are four ways to add personalization to your Searchie Hub:
Use Searchie’s Personalization Fields
Research has shown that using someone’s name in conversation has a powerful impact. With Searchie’s personalization fields, it’s easy to use the client’s name as you deliver the content. For example, “You’re gonna love this next module, Kathy.” Obviously you don’t want to go over the top, but by sprinkling this use of the client’s name throughout, they will feel more seen and valued.
2. Use VideoAsk to Get a Conversation Going
Searchie integrates with an exciting video tool called VideoAsk. VideoAsk can be used in many ways, such as having an asynchronous conversation with prospects or clients. You may want to consider it for your Hub as a way to gather feedback and testimonials or to provide support. You can provide answer fields for your clients to use or allow them to record a video for you. This use of video creates a more personal connection than email or texting!
VideoAsk is a great way to do check-ins to see how people are doing, too. Put VideoAsks at the end of a playlist series to check in on how people are doing. It's a great way to encourage engagement!
Make the VideoAsk fun: Ask people to answer direct questions like “How many times did I say the word ___ in my video?” to get them started. Then, follow up with another, more serious question directly related to your topic.
You can also use it to create member-shared experiences. Have your members film a little video about themselves and then share it in the member community area. This helps people get to know each other better, creating a more personal experience.
Intrigued by VideoAsk? Check it out using my affiliate link to get 10% off using this code: 5PNcCLPk
3. Create Quizzes and Assessments to Tailor the Experience
Your Searchie-hosted course or membership is likely chock full of content. That can be overwhelming to a new user! And each client has their own existing knowledge base and needs. By creating an assessment or quiz, you can determine the client’s needs and desires and use Searchie’s tagging/segmenting features to deliver exactly the content they want and need. No more searching through lists of lessons or getting frustrated—no wasted time.
4. Create a Custom Portal for their Zoom Recordings
Is one-on-one coaching part of your offering? If so, it’s easy to use tagging in Searchie to provide a portal in the Hub that holds all of their personal call recordings. And these calls are searchable by keyword, so if the client wants to replay the call where you spoke about a specific topic or tool but they don’t remember when it was, a keyword search will pull it up in no time! And Searchie makes it easy for your clients to get the most bang for their coaching buck: they can replay the videos of the calls, listen to them as audio files, or print the transcripts and read them—whatever way is best for them to review their sessions.
5. Create a Playlist Just for Them
Mark their questions inside chapters in your videos, then create a playlist just for your client with just those videos. This not only saves time for your client but adds an incredibly personal touch to the Hub. They can go directly to that section—with THEIR name on it—to find material curated just to them.
Searchie Provides a Customizable Experience
I’m such a fan of Searchie because it puts the creator in the driver’s seat. There’s so much flexibility, and yet it’s simple to use. It allows creators to create customized experiences for the client that deepens the relationship.
Intrigued by Searchie and all its possibilities but unsure where to begin? Schedule a free call with me to learn how I can help you get up and running on Searchie in no time!
Let’s Create Your Hub!
If you feel stuck or overwhelmed with Searchie, let’s talk. I create Hubs for my clients in a flash.
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Get Your Searchie Hub Up!
This is really all you need to get started! Personalize your Searchie Hub with a few easy clicks. These clean, fresh, professionally designed Canva templates work right in Searchie. All you need to do is add your own images.
*Some of these links are affiliate links, which means I may get a commission if you purchase. However, none of the fees of these resources have been increased to compensate me. When possible, if special discounts are provided to me, I extend them to you!