Using Searchie to Get Preschool Gym Programs into Shape

Sarah Fennell-Cooper has a fascinating area of expertise: how to create, deliver, and grow a successful preschool gymnastics program. Gymnastics programs all over the country (and the world) are training young people in this field, and it’s all too easy for the work to become overwhelming for the gym director—or for the program to fail to succeed. Delivering a preschool program is a huge and complex undertaking, and Sarah’s mission is to guide these programs to success.

Another Kajabi Convert Finds a Home with Searchie

Sarah had been running her Preschool Power Up membership program on Kajabi, but she wasn’t entirely satisfied (I’ve seen this before). She wanted to use Searchie to deliver the program, but she was hesitant to manage this transition on her own. Sarah approached me about creating a Searchie Hub for Preschool Power Up using Searchie. No problem—that’s what my Build My Searchie Hub VIP Program is all about!

This membership program is chock full of goodness:

  • A signature course, Core Training, comprised of four modules with 4-5 classes in each module

  • Idea Sparks, an idea bank full of preschool gym ideas

  • Monthly Curiosity Coffees (live calls)

  • Gym & Juice, where members can get answers to their burning questions

  • A Mini Masterclass

  • A community forum

A Searchie Membership Hub That Sticks the Landing

It was a delight to create the Searchie Membership Hub for Preschool Power Up, and Sarah agreed that I stuck the landing! Here’s a peek at her membership Hub’s interface:

Now it’s easier than ever for Sarah to guide her clients down their success path—and for her to maintain and add to her membership Hub! Sarah was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was for her to take the reins of her new Hub and run with it. 

Is your current platform truly serving you and your clients? If not, consider Searchie. It’s an incredible solution for those who create and share large quantities of video and audio content like Sarah. And I’m here to help you make a smooth transition!

Let’s Create Your Hub!

If you feel stuck or overwhelmed with Searchie, I create Hubs for my clients to get them moving…making money tomorrow!

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*Some of these links are affiliate links, which means I may get a commission if you purchase. However, none of the fees of these resources have been increased to compensate me. When possible, if special discounts are provided to me, I extend them to you!


Searchie Hubs Overview 2023


How (and Why) to Add a Playlist in Searchie