This Wellness Guru Chooses Searchie over Teachable

Wellness guru Rob Bee runs The Art of Health, where he hosts courses as well as Bee Well Membership and Bee Well Coaching. He helps people be fit, happy, and well as they age. And he’s his own best success story! In his early 60s, Rob became depressed, unwell, and gained weight. The breakthroughs he had as he resolved these issues for his own health and wellness set him on a mission to help others do the same.

Rob’s clients are generally people in their 40s through 70s who (like most of us) know what they need to do to be well and healthy but find it hard to actually do it. His programs provide the guidance and accountability to help them reach their wellness goals and become the healthiest they can be. Rob explains that it all begins with changing our minds—then the other pieces can begin to fall into place.

Searchie is a Great Fit for this Wellness Hub

Rob was introduced to Searchie via Stu McLaren’s Membership Experience and then worked with me to create a beautiful Hub to host his membership, coaching, podcast, and courses. He found that Searchie is an excellent fit for him: it’s easy for him to use, he and I were able to add branding that really speaks to his ideal audience, and the Hub is an effective one-stop shop.

In my interview with Rob, he gave a tour of his Hub and explained all the features. As I always recommend, his members are greeted with a welcome video and site tour when they first arrive at the Hub. 

From there, there are thumbnails with clear navigation to the Facebook group and a Calendly page for booking one-on-one discovery calls with Rob. There is also an intake assessment called the Bee Well Scale. This allows the members to assess their wellness as they begin this gentle journey to better health. 

Speaking of the journey, there are thumbnails taking the member to each month’s lessons, workshops, and downloads. They can watch videos, download workbooks, and fully immerse themselves in that month’s themed content. A success path is clearly visible on the main page for the membership Hub, helping the members understand where they are and where they are headed.

Rob’s membership Hub also contains replays of his live Q&A’s with his members. These, like his podcast episodes, are automatically added to the Hub. Lastly, members can select one of Rob’s online courses as an additional purchase right within the Hub!

Rob’s Advice to Searchie Newbies

Rob’s first piece of advice is, Call Michelle Sandler! And while I appreciated the rec, I asked him for what other advice he has. Rob advises those who are new to Searchie to take their time. He says that while Searchie is easy to use, it’s not instantly a snap: like almost anything, there’s a learning curve. So stay patient and your skills will grow quickly. Things that required a ton of thought in the beginning become almost second nature!

Rob also recommended the many learning resources that Searchie offers in their free Searchie Academy. I agree wholeheartedly—the Searchie support team has their customers’ backs!

Rob has other courses out there that were hosted by Teachable and Udemy. He feels that Searchie is easier to use and better suited to his business than those other two platforms.

Can You Relate?

Does Rob’s Searchie Success story get your gears turning? I bet Searchie is the perfect fit for your business, too! 

I congratulate Rob on his successful Found Member launch—and he’s reopening doors to his membership in September 2022, if you’re interested! A great way to get to know more about Rob is to go to and grab a free download that may change the way you eat breakfast forever!

Let’s Create Your Hub!

If you feel stuck or overwhelmed with Searchie, I create Hubs for my clients to get them moving…making money tomorrow!

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