This Thought Leader and Coach Found Her Perfect Platform: Searchie

Patrice Washington is an inspiring thought leader and coach who helps women pursue their true purpose while building wealth. The knowledge and ideas she shares have drawn a large audience—in fact, she has over 141,000 followers on Instagram and her podcast, Redefining Wealth, has over 15 million downloads!

As I’ve said before, Searchie is a perfect match for podcasters, and Patrice definitely saw the potential in Searchie. She loved the user-friendly interface, the searchability, the look and feel, and the company leadership. It absolutely made sense to her to create a Searchie Hub to help clients make the most of her podcast episodes! 

Patrice’s Searchie podcast Hub is organized by a framework that Patrice teaches: the 6 Pillars of Wealth (faith, fit, money, people, work, space, and new). By using Searchie to organize her podcast episodes into these 6 pillars, listeners can focus on the pillar that they are working on currently and take a deep dive into that pillar. 

Patrice also wanted to create a membership using Searchie, and she had great ideas for the membership. She designed a dynamic membership to include:

  • An interactive quiz at onboarding to place members where they need to be in the learning path and only show them content specific to that level until the user elects to move to next area

  • A new training each month focusing on a different theme, including an action sheet to guide next steps and self reflection.

  • Core content (video trainings and pdfs) about the 6 Pillars of Wealth 

  • Live/Recorded Q&A sessions on each training

  • A book of the month

  • Resources

  • Bonuses - bi-monthly Ask Me Anything sessions that are recorded and available and searchable

  • An Audience Directory named Purpose Chasers to reflect the culture/phrase used in Patrice’s audience.

I was very happy to set up these Searchie Hubs for Patrice, and I love the way they turned out! Patrice’s clear vision and brand identity really helped this project come together fast. Take a look at Patrice’s gorgeous podcast Hub:

If you’re a podcaster or coach who’s inspired by Patrice’s results, I hope you’ll consider Searchie. And if you want help in setting your Searchie Hub up, do like Patrice did and sign up for my Build My Searchie Hub VIP Experience. You won’t believe how efficiently I can bring your dreams to life! If you prefer to DIY, my guided Searchie Hub Templates make creating a Searchie membership, course, or sales page a real snap.

Let’s Create Your Hub!

If you feel stuck or overwhelmed with Searchie, I create Hubs for my clients to get them moving…making money tomorrow!

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*Some of these links are affiliate links, which means I may get a commission if you purchase. However, none of the fees of these resources have been increased to compensate me. When possible, if special discounts are provided to me, I extend them to you!


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