This Entrepreneur’s Story Shows that Searchie is Great for Non-Techies

Searchie is User-friendly for this Entrepreneur—and Her Audience

Kim Rutherford owns Farmhouse Craftaholics, a crafting community and membership business serving women 50 and better who enjoy making farmhouse decor crafts. In my interview with Kim on the Searchie Success Facebook page, she explained how she isn’t very technology-savvy, and her audience members—who didn’t grow up using computers—are even less tech-savvy. And yet Kim found that creating Searchie Hubs is a snap, and her audience members have an easier time with it than they do with Facebook.

That’s right: Her clients find her Searchie Hub easier to use than Facebook.

Kim has a message for you: If I can make a Searchie Hub, you can make a Hub! She advises anyone who’s preparing to use Searchie to take advantage of the training that Searchie offers. (Oh by the way, I offer Searchie Hub design services—I’ll create a terrific Hub for you in a jiffy!)

Smart Choices in Searchie Hub Design

So, what does Kim’s Hub do? It’s a membership site, with limited “choices” to keep users from getting lost. It allows her members to easily search the hundreds of craft tutorial videos, locate and download attachments, and connect to the Facebook group. 

Kim wisely added a Hub tour video and made it easy for new users to view it. Her short video tour shows the users the different areas of the Hub, how to navigate, and how to search by keyword. What a great idea for entrepreneurs with audiences who are not tech-savvy!

Kim reports that her audience loves the site and can navigate it with ease. One user raved, It’s the Google for Farmhouse Craftaholics’ videos! 

Maximizing Searchie Content and Analytics

Kim plans to begin blogging soon, and Searchie will make it easy for her to do so. The transcripts feature will let her easily transform a video into a draft of a blog post. Kim can also see what search terms her audience has entered in Searchie (via analytics) and use that information to guide her to creating blog posts and new content on those areas of interest.

Searchie is So Easy

It took one day for Kim to create her first Hub. She created her second Hub in just a few hours. In the interview, she speculates that she could make a Hub in 10 minutes now! Considering Kim’s level of experience in technology, this says a lot about how user-friendly and easy to learn Searchie is. 

There’s Help if You Need It

If you feel unsure about creating your first Hub on your own, have me create a Searchie Hub for you. I’ll get it done for you lickety-split! 


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