6 Reasons Why You Should Host Your Membership on Searchie

You may be familiar with Searchie and the incredible ways it allows you to use your video content. If not, check out my blog, Seduced by Searchie. . . as you might tell by the title, it’ll give you a great overview of Searchie and why it’s so easy to fall in love with it. 

Did you know that Searchie and memberships are a match made in heaven? Let me share with you six reasons why your membership site should be a Searchie Hub:

1) It’s easy to create a clear success path with Searchie playlists.

Searchie’s playlist (wanna learn more about playlists?) feature allows you to organize all of your content and feed it to your members in ways that make sense. You can set up monthly content ahead of time and then release it at the touch of a button. You can create ever-growing playlists of the live sessions you host with your members (adding value as you go for incoming members). Your members won’t feel lost, because you’ll be controlling what they can view and when.

2) Your Hub is a one-stop content shop.

Don’t make members search all over creation to find what they’re looking for—put it all into your membership Hub. If you do Facebook Live sessions in your private Facebook Group or on group sessions Zoom, you can set it up for those to be automatically loaded into your Searchie Hub. Searchie will caption the videos, making them searchable. Your membership Hub can be the repository of all of the valuable content you create for your membership.

3) Your members will love Searchie’s captioning and transcript features!

Searchie helps you please your members by offering them multiple ways to consume the content. They can watch the video (with the sound off or on, thanks to auto-captioning - read more on this here if you aren’t familiar), read a transcript of the video, or listen to the video as an mp4, podcast-style. It’s easy for you to provide them all of these options, and you’ll please all types of learners in your membership.

4) Searchie’s search feature will help your members find things fast.

Searchie will allow your members to search keywords to find just the video or videos that are of interest to them (check out this article with more info). Your membership Hub will be full of ever-growing content. The search feature cuts overwhelm, especially when your member wants to re-watch a video for a certain topic but has no idea where to locate it. They can search for words that they know are mentioned, and easily find the content they’re looking for. Less frustration makes for happy members!

5) Tagging members makes management of your membership easy.

Searchie’s tagging function makes it super easy to add or remove members and allows them to have a learning path or playlist that is personalized for them (need to be tagged to know more on this - it’s here!). For example, if you hold one-on-one coaching calls with your members, you can use tagging to create a playlist for your member where she can review all of her coaching calls.

6) Tagging content makes organizing your content easy!

Each piece of your content can be tagged in multiple ways in Searchie. If you’re uploading a new video, you can tag it by topic, module, length of the video, experience level (beginner/advanced), month, and more. With a robust tagging system in place, you can easily control and organize your content, delivering it to your members in ways that serve them and make sense (ready for more tag info? Get it here).

Are you convinced yet? If you feel unsure or overwhelmed at the idea of setting up a membership Hub in Searchie, let’s have a free 15-minute chat. I help entrepreneurs like you set up Hubs in a flash!


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