This Entrepreneur Couldn’t Wait to Create Her Website on Searchie!
I’m so excited to share a Searchie success story from one of my Shell, Yes! Searchie Membership members! Renee Schulte is passionate about fixing mental health policy and health policy on all levels: from the individual and household to the workplace to the community.
Renee has a background as a therapist as well as a legislator and policy drafter, effecting change at the state level. Now she’s using her knowledge and experience to teach others how to do the same.
After becoming ill from overwork, Renee saw the need for mental and physical health policies for individuals, families, workplaces, and communities. Using Searchie, she is serving her audience through consulting, speaking, and education.
Renee is a remarkable, mission-driven person who’s a real inspiration to me! I hope you’ll watch our interview to learn more about her business and how she’s using Searchie to achieve her goals.
Her Searchie Website Reflects Her Brand—and Her
Renee had done purposeful branding work to develop the colors and feel of her brand—but these were not reflected in her previous website. She loves how easy it was to align her new Searchie website with her branding. Now her website carries a consistent look with her Facebook and LinkedIn pages.
The color blue and imagery of water are important features of her brand’s appearance, reflecting the fact that she’s a “water person” (Renee teaches water aerobics as a hobby and loves going on beachy vacations). I helped Renee convey this vibe through the colors and photos on her new website. This helps convey part of who Renee is to her site visitors.
Speaking of photography, Renee submitted photos of herself for the website that do a great job of communicating her services, her professionalism, and her focus on the work/life balance. There are images of her doing public speaking (one of her offerings).
One particularly symbolic photo is of Renee on her recumbent bike with the Iowa state capitol building in the background. In our interview, Renee explains that that building is a symbol of both her policy and legislative work for mental health but also as the place where her workload led to a physical illness that she has now overcome. This photo represents work/life balance and Renee’s achievement of that delicate balance!
Beyond Searchie Hubs: A Searchie Website!
Renee was already a Searchie user and fan: She’d created Hubs for courses and other offerings, and she marveled at how easy it was for a non-technical person like her to work with Searchie.
But her website was on another platform that Renee was not able to work with. If she wanted to change it, she’d have to pay someone to implement the changes using code and high-level expertise. Renee knew that if her website was powered by Searchie that she’d be in the driver’s seat and she could nimbly make changes at any time as her business evolves.
Once Searchie 2.0 rolled out, Renee hired me to help her set up the Searchie website she’d been anxiously waiting for. The new site has all the features Renee wants from her website, such as pages listing her offerings, her background, testimonials, and most importantly, a way for prospective clients to schedule a free exploratory call with her!
Lead generation and the scheduling tool will help keep Renee’s business pipeline flowing, even when she’s taking her own advice and enjoying some restorative vacation time.
Searchie Lets Her Provide Content Three Ways
Renee plans to have a blog on her website. Because she’s most comfortable on video (she’s a natural-born public speaker), she plans to create video blog posts. However, Searchie makes it easy for her to also provide those posts as audio-only “podcasts” or in written form from the transcripts. With no additional work on her end, Renee can offer this content to please any site visitor!
Searchie Is Easy to Use
Renee emphasizes that she is a person with no patience for tech issues and no strength in that arena, and yet “I can do Searchie. If I can do it, anyone can do it.”
And she has an important message for those who are afraid to make a mistake: “You can’t break [a Searchie Hub or website].” So feel free to experiment, make changes, and learn by doing!
Renee points out that it was not only easy for her to learn how to use Searchie, but she was easily able to teach her business manager and her VA to use it. Now when she needs a change made to her website or one of her Hubs, not only is Renee able to do it, but there are two people on her team to whom she can delegate it with confidence! Gone are the days when she’d have to pay someone to update her website.
Renee loves how Searchie is always rolling out new features. She confidently states that it’ll be a snap for her to put any new features to use on her website without needing to hire someone.
No Time? Get Help!
Lastly, Renee says that if time pressures are an obstacle (as they were for her), then hire someone (like me!) to create the website with your input and then show you how easy it is to tweak and change it to your heart’s content. It’s like being given a fish AND being taught to fish!
Renee is excitedly looking forward to rolling out a coaching program this summer, providing more information on her public speaking offerings, and developing her blog content. I’m proud of her Searchie Success and I wish her continued growth and success!
Let’s Create Your Hub!
If you feel stuck or overwhelmed with Searchie, let’s talk. I create Hubs for my clients in a flash.
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Get Your Searchie Hub Up!
This is really all you need to get started! Personalize your Searchie Hub with a few easy clicks. These clean, fresh, professionally designed Canva templates work right in Searchie. All you need to do is add your own images.
*Some of these links are affiliate links, which means I may get a commission if you purchase. However, none of the fees of these resources have been increased to compensate me. When possible, if special discounts are provided to me, I extend them to you!