This Coach Maximized Her Energy by NOT Setting Up Her Searchie Hub

Karin Whitbeck is a busy massage therapist and coach who wanted to set up both a Searchie membership Hub (a membership to help members listen to their body, use their brain in a new way, and focus on their mindset) and a Searchie 1:1 coaching Hub. She thought about the easiest way to go about it and bought my guided template. Smart move! But wait—Karin later came face to face with a hard truth. It turns out that she really didn’t have the time and bandwidth to do it on her own, even with the help of the guided template!

So Karin made an even smarter move: she signed up for my Build My Searchie Hub VIP Experience and offloaded the Hub creation task to me! This saved Karin’s time and energy to continue serving clients and planning her launch while I did all the heavy Searchie lifting.

Karin is thrilled with the results: a ready-to-launch Searchie Hub where she can manage both her Searchie membership and her Searchie 1:1 coaching client portal. As you can see in the images below, I delivered a consistently branded experience, focusing on Karin’s theme of water and anchors:

Karin’s wisdom is no doubt what draws her clients to her. Just look at how she guided herself through the process of creating the Searchie Hub of her dreams! If you want to tap into that wisdom, sign up to be my next VIP. I’ll get your Hub up while you focus on running your business!

Let’s Create Your Hub!

If you feel stuck or overwhelmed with Searchie, I create Hubs for my clients to get them moving…making money tomorrow!

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