This Coach Helps Women Unleash Their Creativity—with Searchie!

Lynnie Marie Versaw is an artist and a creative coach who helps women who long to be creative go from hesitant to free in their own artistic expression. She does this through her online business, InnerSprings Studio. What a beautiful and powerful mission! However, Lynnie Marie needed help making her creative coaching dreams a reality.

Lynnie Marie signed up for my Build My Searchie Hub VIP Experience, asking me for help creating a Searchie Hub for her online course. She was very interested and excited about putting the power of Searchie to use for her business but was wary about DIYing it.

I was able to create a beautifully branded, seamlessly integrated Searchie Hub for Lynnie Marie. Just take a look at these pretty, on-brand graphics and an example of her Searchie Hub interface:

Now Lynnie Marie can maintain and update her course easily as she grows her wonderful business. I loved working with Lynnie Marie—she’s another example of the dynamic and inspirational clients that find their way to me! 
What about you? Do you have an online business in the works—or up and running—that you’d like to launch on Searchie? If so, I offer guided Searchie Hub templates as well as the Build My Searchie Hub VIP Experience. I’d love to help make your Searchie dreams come true!

Let’s Create Your Hub!

If you feel stuck or overwhelmed with Searchie, I create Hubs for my clients to get them moving…making money tomorrow!

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