Searchie vs. Kajabi: 6 Things Searchie Does that Kajabi Can't

I’ve used Searchie and Kajabi—and sometimes both in conjunction, but it didn’t take long for me to shed Kajabi altogether and go all-in on Searchie. That’s not to say that Kajabi is not a good platform, but for creators like me who create and manage large quantities of video content, Searchie is the more useful platform. Just like with Kajabi, Searchie can be used to create and host online courses and memberships. It’s also a great way to create podcasts and coaching portals. You can use it to host virtual summits, online training platforms, landing pages, sales pages, or your company’s website.

Here are six things that Searchie does that Kajabi can’t:

1.Searchie Puts Users in the Driver’s Seat with Search

Searchie creates a better user experience (for you as well as your clients) thanks to its search capabilities. Every video uploaded into Searchie is automatically transcribed (and Searchie supports over 25 languages!). These captions are then searchable using the Searchie search bar widget in your Searchie portal. It allows you or your clients to search for a specific piece of content using search terms. That’s right: Searchie is a search engine for your video and audio content!

When you type in a term or phrase into the Searchie search bar, Searchie will take you straight to the moment that term was uttered in any video. This saves a lot of time and creates efficiency. How much time do you waste searching through your own videos or the videos in online courses you take? Searchie delivers the content you and your clients are searching for in the blink of an eye. This leads to a more satisfying user experience for all of you!

2. Searchie is Super Fast and Easy to Use

Searchie doesn’t make you use code. And while you can farm out the setup of your Searchie Hub or use a template to make it faster and easier to create the Hub, Searchie is a user-friendly tech tool that is easy enough for non-techie users to master. I can’t tell you how many clients I’ve had who rave about how easy it was to get a handle on Searchie and maintain their own Searchie Hub. No more calling in the experts every time you need to make a change; it’s a snap to make updates in your Hub.

Searchie’s automations takes uploading new video content off your plate. Let’s say you do a live coaching call once a month with your members. With Searchie, you can make it so that these Zoom calls automatically get uploaded into a specific playlist within your Searchie Membership Hub. Without you having to lift a finger, that video is now transcribed, searchable, and ready for members to watch as a replay at any point in the future. You can automate the uploads from Facebook, Zoom, Vimeo, YouTube, and more.

3. It’s Easy to Create a Well-Designed Searchie Hub

Not a graphic designer, and not keen on hiring one? I get it, design can be a real challenge for many entrepreneurs, and hiring a designer is expensive. Thankfully, it’s easy for the lay person to create a sharp, well-designed Searchie Hub. First, you can use Searchie Hub Templates as a starting point. In fact, I’ve created Guided Searchie Hub Templates for sales pages, online courses, and memberships that take the template one step beyond the design: the templates guide you on what content to put where. I’ve created a ton of Searchie sales pages, courses, and memberships, so I know exactly where all the “parts” should go. All you have to do is fill it in!

Searchie’s integration with Canva (I personally like the valuable and helpful extras I get from my CanvaPro account) helps you truly make your Searchie Hub a branded experience. Not only can you apply your brand colors to your Searchie Hub but you can also create thumbnails with your logo or brand photography. This integration not only makes it super easy to create and integrate sharp visuals into your Searchie Hub: There's no downloading assets to your drive and or importing things—the integration is literally one click and your branded images are in your Hub. Your Canva-created assets give you a professional look that can create consistency across all of the places you show up online.

4. Searchie is Accessible

Let’s face it: one of the most caring things you can do for your clients is to make your online offerings as accessible as possible. This is helpful for those who may have problems with hearing, seeing, or processing. Furthermore, it can help each of your clients learn in whatever modality is best for their unique learning style and lifestyle.

For example, you can allow the Searchie captions to play on your videos so that those with hearing difficulty or those who prefer to watch videos without the sound on can benefit. You can allow Searchie to create a downloadable transcript of that same video and make it available for your users to download. For some learners, reading is the best way to take in new information. In addition, you can make the audio from that same video available as an MP3 file that your clients can listen to while on the go. 

You spend so much time creating content to share your knowledge and expertise with your clients. Using Searchie helps ensure that your clients can soak up the knowledge you’re sharing in whatever way suits them best. 

4. Searchie Provides Actionable Analytics

Kajabi provides some analytics, but it’s more like the kind of analytics you’d get for your website. Searchie’s analytics, however, go a step further. You can see which videos are getting the most watch time and which ones people seem to be skipping. You can see what terms your clients are searching for. This data lets you be a fly on the wall without intruding on privacy. It allows you to make clear decisions about what new content to create based on what the watching and searching data is telling you your clients are most interested in. It’s one thing to ask your clients what they want; Searchie lets you SEE what your clients want!

5. Searchie’s WisdomAI Saves You Time

Searchie has been a real timesaver for me and thousands of other content creators, but they’ve just turbocharged the time saving and efficiency with the rollout of WisdomAI. This Searchie tool can take your content and create a short or long summary. In just a few keystrokes, you can turn your video into a social media caption, blog post, summary for YouTube or your newsletter, and more. 

As you know, creating the content is just part of the job. Then there’s posting, reposting, repurposing… it’s a lot, right? That’s where Searchie’s WisdomAI can act like a virtual assistant for you. I’ve been getting great results with this tool and I know you’ll love it—and Kajabi doesn’t have anything like this.

It’s Searchie over Kajabi for Me

I’m not here to knock Kajabi. As I said, I’ve used Kajabi in the past and I have no regrets about that. But for me, Searchie has a clear upper hand. It simply serves my business—and the businesses of the hundreds of clients I’ve helped launch on Searchie—better than Kajabi. 

Thinking about joining the cool kids at the Searchie table? I can set up your Searchie Hub in a flash in my Build My Searchie Hub VIP Experience or you can DIY it in style using my Guided Searchie Hub Templates. Either way, I look forward to seeing your Searchie success!

Let’s Create Your Hub!

If you feel stuck or overwhelmed with Searchie, I create Hubs for my clients to get them moving…making money tomorrow!

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This Thought Leader and Coach Found Her Perfect Platform: Searchie


Searchie Inspo - Marnie Astacio