Make Your Course & Membership Accessible Using Searchie
It’s easy to think that your customers are people just like you. And certainly there is some common ground between you and your customers regarding the value you’re providing. But make no mistake: each of us has a unique brain and body, and that can powerfully impact the way that we need to take in new information. Serving each unique customer is all about accessibility, and Searchie is a powerful tool to help you serve and satisfy your customers!
Searchie Serves Clients who Need Non-Auditory Input
Searchie is a wonderful solution for people with hearing difficulties as well as those who participate in your course or membership in places where listening to audio is impossible or impolite. There are also people who simply find they can’t learn as well when listening, but learn best when reading words.
How does Searchie help you serve these customers? First, you can enable captions to play with your videos so users can watch the videos without using the audio. Second, you can create transcripts from the audio, so customers have the option to read the content any time, anywhere. And if you’re already delivering your course via Kajabi, Searchie can be used in conjunction with Kajabi.
Searchie Gives Clients Non-Video Options
Did you know that some people feel dizzy or sick when they watch TikTok videos or Instagram reels? There are also plenty of people out there who can’t stand sitting in front of their computer watching educational videos. They may struggle to pay attention or feel bored—all of which is a barrier to receiving the help they’re paying you to give them!
Searchie allows you to create podcast-style audio playlists using the audio from your video content (that’s right—you don’t need to create separate audio recordings). This allows all of your customers the opportunity to listen and learn while they drive, fly, run, clean, and more. And for those with an aversion to video, they can still enjoy listening to your content.
Searchie transcripts are a second way that you can serve customers who have a hard time watching or processing video content. With the stroke of a computer key, you can allow them to read your content or even print it out for a tactile experience.
Searchie Makes it Easy to Reinforce Lessons
Many people need to watch, read, or listen to something more than once in order to learn it. It’s a smart learning technique! Searchie makes it easy for your customers to find the part of the lesson they want to revisit. Rather than having to watch, read, or listen to an entire lesson again, they can use the Searchie search bar to type in a keyword. Searchie will then show them the exact moments this word was mentioned so they can review that part. What a timesaver!
We All Need Accessible Content
Each of us is a unique learner with a one-of-a-kind mind and body. It helps to know what ways we prefer to learn and what our unique needs are. As a content creator, you can harness the power of Searchie so that all members of your audience can make the most of your content by ingesting it in the ways that suit them best. Happy and successful customers spell success for your business!
Let’s Create Your Hub!
If you feel stuck or overwhelmed with Searchie, let’s talk. I create Hubs for my clients in a flash.
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Get Your Searchie Hub Up!
This is really all you need to get started! Personalize your Searchie Hub with a few easy clicks. These clean, fresh, professionally designed Canva templates work right in Searchie. All you need to do is add your own images.
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