Launch a Course or Membership FAST with Searchie
Searchie Enables You to Take Swift Action
I move fast—the faster I move, the more I get done. Are you the same way? When you have a new business idea, you’re so much better off implementing it quickly and imperfectly than hemming and hawing, doing research, and weighing your options while avoiding the scary idea of launching something new.
The thing is, you can’t know if people will want your offer until you offer it. And the longer you hesitate, the more likely the following scenarios are:
Someone with the same idea may beat you to market
You’ll have done so much work trying to achieve a hole-in-one straight from the outset that you’ll be overly invested in the outcome
You won’t take chances because you’re afraid of failure—as if your worth is tied to the success of this one idea.
The world’s most successful entrepreneurs try a lot of ideas in order to learn what works best. And Searchie is the easiest way to deliver your ideas in the online space NOW, today!
Searchie Lets You Get Fancy or Stay Simple
Some folks are less tech-savvy than others—in fact, we’re all on a continuum of technical knowledge and experience. One of my favorite things about Searchie is that it’s so user friendly. Creating a simple Hub is so easy that you could probably figure the basics on their own!
Let’s say you have instructional material in PowerPoint format only. You feel overwhelmed at the idea of trying to reformat the material in order to share it in a course or in membership. No problem! Searchie lets you record your screen, so you can simply share your presentation as you speak. Searchie will automatically create a transcription of what you say, which you can proofread and provide to your clients as a separate document, if you choose.
When you’re creating a recording of your screen, I think it’s a great idea to select the option to have a small circle on the screen showing you speaking as you present your material. Not only does this remind the viewer that you’re the person delivering this content to them, but it makes it more entertaining than a simple voiceover. You may know that babies like seeing babies, but the same goes for us grownups: people like watching people!
OK Michelle, you say, but I don’t have ANY written material or visuals prepared! How can I quickly get a course or membership up? It’s as simple as using Searchie’s record feature in the Searchie Chrome Extension to record videos of you speaking, right from your computer’s camera. Then create a Hub that organizes the videos you create in a playlist. Voila! A simple course is born.
Here’s a quick video I created about how to use the Searchie Chrome extension:
You Can Add Bells and Whistles Later
You can always make your Hub more designy or complex later on, so don’t feel like you’re locking yourself in by creating a quick and dirty, simple Hub.
One thing you can do to spiff up your course or membership Hub is to create simple or branded templates that will serve as thumbnails and icons. Here’s an example of this from one of my client’s membership Hub:
It’s a snap to make these thumbnails using an app called Canva, and they have many designs you can choose from. I suggest that you pick one style and stick to it throughout your Hub.
Or get my Free Searchie Starter Kit to receive over 40 beautiful templates that you can modify in Canva with your own text. Boom! You have a well-designed look for your Hub. How easy is that?
Use Content You Already Have
I bet you’ve got content around that you haven’t even thought of as content! You can use this to develop curated content for a course or membership.
For example, every Facebook Live session you do can be automatically added to your membership or course Hub. Or, you could create a Hub of just your Facebook Lives as I did in this Hub:
I created this one with a few clicks…simply connecting Searchie and my Facebook page!
If you’re hosting a Podcast, you could do the same. Here’s an example of what you could do to take your podcast episodes and make them into a Hub. I used my Searchie Success Lives to create podcast-style content in Searchie, but you could present your podcast episodes in exactly the same way. Searchie connects with Apple and Soundcloud directly. Or, you can download your episodes from your own service and upload them using Dropbox, Google Drive, or your own drive. To create a course or membership out of it, make some of the podcast episodes “exclusive” so only your members or paid students can access them.
Hosting Q&A sessions via Zoom? Those too can be set to automatically be added to your Hub—what a great resource for current and future customers!
Using Searchie, you can get your idea and your content out there super fast. Later on, you can make it fancier or more complex. Your new course or membership is like a child—always changing and developing. Nobody expects a baby to know how to drive, so don’t feel that your initial Hub has to be spectacular! It’s a powerful start.
Don’t think of creating your course or membership as something static. You can (and should) be constantly growing that content, providing more and more value to your customer.
Get Your Searchie Hub Up!
Stop with the hand-wringing and get PSYCHED. If you’re dreaming of creating a course or a membership, create a Searchie account and test it out in the marketplace!
What content do you have that you could use to get going FAST today?
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Get Your Searchie Hub Up!
This is really all you need to get started! Personalize your Searchie Hub with a few easy clicks. These clean, fresh, professionally designed Canva templates work right in Searchie. All you need to do is add your own images.
Let’s Create Your Hub!
If you feel stuck or overwhelmed with Searchie, let’s talk. I create Hubs for my clients in a flash.