Empowering Women with a Well-Organized, Well-Branded Searchie Hub

Renee Dominguez is a force of nature! She’s a dynamic coach who empowers women to claim their seat at the table and become the high-performing, bad-ass women they are meant to be. She knows firsthand what it’s like to hit the glass ceiling in the corporate world, and she saw that other women experiencing this were looking for a resource—so Renee created one: Empowered LeadHERship.

Renee knew that she wanted to create her membership site, The Yes Lab, using Searchie. In my interview with Renee, she pointed out that Searchie was a way to differentiate her business and provide value. She reached out to me to help create her Hub so it could be the best that it could be, which reflects how Renee shows up in her business.

It was a delight to work with Renee, because she had clear branding, videos that were ready to be loaded into Searchie, and a clear vision of what she wanted. This made it easy and a real pleasure to create her gorgeous Hub.

Renee’s membership Hub is rich and multi-layered. There are multiple courses embedded within the Hub, such as a course called Unshakable Self-Confidence. The content of the Hub is easy to read, seamless, and visually pleasing. Members can easily download course handouts, watch the lesson videos, and complete the pre- and post-assessments that go with the learning modules.

One thing that we pointed out during our tour of Renee’s Hub is that there are some sections that are marked Coming soon! This is an important note to all current and future Searchie creators: You don’t have to have it all done before launch! Renee has tons of content in the Hub for her members, and her members will be happily anticipating the future content modules she will add.

Renee pointed out that it’ll be easy for her to add these new areas of content to her Hub using Searchie’s “duplicate” function. That’s right—while I set up Renee’s Hub, she will be able to add to it, run it, and maintain it on her own.

Renee’s advice to folks who are new to Searchie is to get involved in the Searchie community! She points out that there are folks out there who are sharing knowledge and information. She reminds us that you can’t learn anything by standing on the sidelines. And finally she adds that if you have a business vision and you want it to be up and running fast—and well—use my services.

What’s coming up next for Renee? Her new 10-week course, Extraordinary You, teaches participants how to fast-track from where they are now to where they want to go with a solid foundation for sustainable progress.

Learn more about Renee on Instagram. And if you have a vision and you understand how Searchie is an amazing way to implement your vision, let’s talk. Whether you want me to create your Hub for you or teach you to do it yourself, I am here for you. You can book me at a day rate, and you’ll be amazed at what I can get done! I’m presently booking day rate clients for mid-July.

*Some of these links are affiliate links, which means I may get a commission if you purchase. However, none of the fees of these resources have been increased to compensate me. When possible, if special discounts are provided to me, I extend them to you!


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