Dog Agility Coach Uses Searchie to Deliver Online Coaching Worldwide

If you’re familiar with the sport of dog agility, you’ll know that it takes lots of training and practice to get the dogs to run through an obstacle course in front of spectators. Lisa Selthofer, owner of Spot On Agility is both an agility coach and an event judge, with years of experience in the field.

Lisa delivers her expertise to dog owners worldwide through her Searchie Hub. I sat down with her to hear how she does that.

Searchie is Perfect for Visual Learning

Lisa was drawn to Searchie because her coaching uses video heavily—and for good reason. Her clients can submit videos for her to review, and she can provide her feedback via video. Lisa’s Hub has hundreds of instructional videos and coaching videos. Searchie’s checkmark feature makes it easy for her clients to see which videos they’ve already viewed, and the search function helps them pull up the videos they’re interested in seeing.

Using Searchie for User Support

Lisa cleverly created a page in her Hub for FAQ videos. Her users can learn how to upload their videos or how to navigate the HUb better. This training and help center leads to more engaged audience members and less frustration. What a great idea!

Searchie Delivers Courses and Membership

Lisa uses her Hub for her agility coaching membership as well as two courses that she runs. She uses Searchie’s tagging capability to keep the content separate and delivered only to the appropriate audience members.

She drips content weekly, consisting of videos and attachments. Lisa uses color coding to separate the weekly content. She also makes use of Searchie’s capability to offer podcast-style audio files for the videos, because some of her members prefer to listen on the go (or out in the training field).

Keeping Things Organized in Searchie

When asked what her advice is to new Searchie users, Lisa suggests keeping it simple by identifying the big “buckets” first. She says you need to create a system to organize the ever-growing number of videos your Hub will contain. Lisa has created an extraordinary organizational system for the multitude of videos she manages.

Watch the interview to learn about her brilliant numbering system for titling her videos for easy organization. Lisa also keeps a master list of all her videos in an Excel spreadsheet—a very wise idea!

Learn More About Searchie

Want to see more examples of how entrepreneurs use Searchie for memberships, courses, and more? Visit the Searchie Success Facebook page. And if you want any help creating a Searchie Hub of your own, contact me to learn how I can do that for you in a flash.


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