Covid Couldn’t Stop Her Searchie Summit from Succeeding!

Patricia Dent, a coach who helps heart-centered entrepreneurs create businesses through best practices and mindset shifts, is a longtime client of mine. After all, I helped her set up her first Searchie Hub for her Searchie Membership over a year ago. Patricia was preparing to host a summit in Searchie called ASK Summit—How to Leave Corporate. This incredible summit featured a dynamic group of guest speakers to help people understand what they need to do (and know) before ditching their corporate jobs and starting the business of their dreams.

Exciting, right? But then, record scratch—both Patricia and her husband came down with COVID a few weeks before the summit was going to launch! Patricia’s hands went from full to overflowing, and she knew she couldn’t do it all on her own.

Good thing she knew just who to call! I designed the Searchie Summit Hub for her in a flash, and I created streamlined processes that made the whole thing go more smoothly. For example, I made it easy to load summit speaker material once and then that would automatically populate to the Searchie Summit schedule. So the speaker’s content, links, images, and their module description was added ONCE in the Searchie media library, tagged, and then it was all automatically loaded into the appropriate areas in the Hub. Done and done!

Patricia and her husband recovered from their illness and the ASK Summit was a resounding success! Nothing gives me a boost like a chance to play superhero for one of my clients. I’m here for Patricia and I’m here for you, too. I can take care of your Searchie needs while you focus on what you do best. My superhero cape is ready—are you ready?

Let’s Create Your Hub!

If you feel stuck or overwhelmed with Searchie, I create Hubs for my clients to get them moving…making money tomorrow!

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