What Are Searchie Pages and How Do I Use Them?
You’re interested in offering an online course, membership, or coaching program using Searchie, but you may be wondering what building your Hub entails: Do I need pages or can I just go with the home page? Will I have to create each page from the ground up? Are there any default pages that come with a Searchie Hub?
Not to worry—I’ve got you. Let’s start with a review of the default and custom pages that you can build with Searchie Hubs.
Searchie’s Default Pages
You don’t need to build a website from the ground up, because your new Searchie Hub comes with default pages. These are the following:
As you might assume, this is the page that is connected to your Hub’s URL. It’s the first page an audience member sees, whether it’s a public Hub or they’re about to sign in to a private Hub. This page can’t be replaced by a custom page, but you have many options for customizing it.
This page is where you send people when they don’t know how to get into the Hub. If someone knows their username and password, they can enter here. If they forgot their login credentials, the page provides them with a way to reset these. This login page doesn’t exist for public Hubs; it’s auto-generated for private Hubs.
When your audience member is signing up for a free or paid Hub, they do so on the Register page. This page collects their email. I like using this page in lieu of the Payment page because of the user experience. It shows the user that there are multiple steps to the “sign up” process.
Search Results
When someone uses the search bar at the top of the page in a Searchie Hub, the search results are presented on the Search Results page. Searchie presents the search results in the following order: media with the keyword in the title, media with chapters matching the keyword, and then any media files that have the keyword in the transcription.
A media page is the page layout for any media files that are selected (and played) inside Searchie. For example, if an audience member selects a video to watch, the video will appear and play in a media page. There are two media page layout options: a gallery or a list. Which one of these you select is really a personal preference for how you’d like your users to see your content. I suggest you just toggle it on and see what each option looks like and choose your favorite.
Playlists are one of the best features of Searchie, giving your audience members the opportunity to have a Netflix-like experience of delving into your content. This is the page where the member will see a playlist displayed, along with any attachments that accompany the content of the playlist.
When you set your Hub to private, another auto-generated page is the account page. This is the page where your audience member can enter or change information in their profile fields and see their activity in the Hub.
You gotta get paid, right? The payment page appears if you’ve set your Hub to private AND activated your Stripe Payment Gateway. When an audience member is purchasing access to your Hub, the payment page serves as their checkout page. This page is connected to Searchie Payments, which uses Stripe to process the payments. Cha-ching!
Payment Thank You
It’s important to thank your audience for their purchase and give them acknowledgement that their order is complete. This auto-generated page allows you to do just that as soon as the transaction is complete. This page also allows you to track your Facebook ad conversion. Why do they use this page for tracking this instead of the payment page? Because users who make it to this page have completed their purchase. As you know, people sometimes abandon their carts at the payment page!
Customer Portal
Let’s say you have an online membership that is charging members monthly. The customer portal page allows your members to change their payment plan (for example, if they want to pay yearly rather than month-to-month) or to change their credit card information. This is a Stripe page that is generated when you set up Searchie Payments.
What About Custom Searchie Pages?
The default pages that I just listed are the basic backbone of your Hub. Aside from these default pages, you can create custom pages inside your Hub in any way that you like—these are the pages that your audience members will see as they progress through your course or interact with as part of your membership. In fact, there is no limit on how many custom pages your Hub can contain!
Designing custom pages is JUST like designing the home page. It has the same features—sections you can add—to create a custom experience. It’s so easy!
If that open-ended freedom is overwhelming to you, I sell templates that will help you design a Searchie Hub that looks professional and can be customized to your brand in a few clicks. Designing a Searchie Hub is fast and easy, and I make it even easier!
Another way to help yourself decide on how to design your Hub is to look at other Hubs to get ideas. In the Searchie community, we all inspire each other!
Let’s Create Your Hub!
If you feel stuck or overwhelmed with Searchie, I create Hubs for my clients to get them moving…making money tomorrow!
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