The Pros and Cons of Creating Multiple Searchie Hubs or Only One
Most entrepreneurs who are creating new offerings on Searchie or migrating existing courses or memberships over to Searchie face the question of whether to create one Searchie Hub that hosts all of their offerings or to create a separate Hub for each offering. There’s no one right answer, as with so many things in life—like just last week, when too many of us were trying to decide whether to have gravy, cranberry sauce or no toppings on our turkey. I went topping free, just so you know. But a review of the pros and cons of each way of creating Searchie Hubs could point you to the answer that’s right for you and your business.
Creating Multiple Searchie Hubs
Pro: Keeps Things Separate
Let’s say you have some very diverse offerings that have completely different audiences. In that case, there is little to no overlap—each client would only need or want access to the one Hub that serves them. As a content provider, keeping the Hubs separate could make it a lot easier for you to manage these audiences and their content.
If you’ve got paid content—say, a course or two—that you sell as one-offs, it may be easier to keep those as separate Hubs. Again, this is just to keep things clean, simple, and headache free for you.
You may be market-testing an idea, and you’d like to set up a separate Hub to test the waters without complicating your current Hubs. Or perhaps you want a Hub to use as your website or for a sales page. Some people (including me) just love to create multiple Hubs for ease of management.
Con: More Hubs, More Money
If you have multiple Hubs, you’ll need to either be on the Searchie Pro plan (which allows up to three Hubs) or the Searchie Business plan (which has unlimited Hubs!). These plans cost more than Searchie Basic, but they put you in the driver’s seat.
The other con is that (currently) there is no “main dashboard” for Searchie offerings for your users. They will need to set up a username and password for each Hub. To mimic a dashboard, you could set up one Hub that links to them all, and once the user is logged in, they can connect easily to the other Hubs without having to log back in (unless they clear their cache—that history is then lost).
Creating One Searchie Hub for All Your Offerings
Pro: More Convenient for Your Clients
We often have clients that buy multiple offerings from us over time. Let’s say Client A has purchased two courses from you and Client B has purchased one course and your small group coaching program. If these offerings all fall under the same Hub, those clients have only one portal to go to to log in and access their content. And as you likely know, less confusion for your clients makes life easier for you as well! You want to make it easy for your clients to access what they paid for and feel satisfied.
Con: Don’t Create a Frankenstein Searchie Hub
If you decide to have multiple Hubs in order to sell your course or membership as a one-off, then you’ll have to update your content in more than one place. Kinda like remembering that you put six fingers on the one hand and five on the other when you put Frankenstein back together.
You can use Searchie’s sophisticated audience segmentation to make sure your users see just what they need to and nothing else. Sometimes, my client’s heads begin spinning at the idea of implementing this…if you’re one of these, then this is definitely the con category.
Also, think ahead five years. As your business has grown and evolved, you have added more content and offerings, tweaked your offerings, sunsetted some offerings, and more. Consider how difficult it could be to manage one giant legacy Searchie Hub that is handling all of that. It could get really messy over time!
How Many Searchie Hubs are Right for You?
I much prefer the ability to start with a clean slate as my business’ offerings change and evolve, so for me, having multiple Hubs really works. Being on the Searchie Business plan makes me feel free to try new things and take risks. I can create as many Hubs as I want, for any purpose! This makes me nimble.
That being said, I have many clients who are thriving with all of their offerings in one Searchie Hub. And the beautiful thing is, you can always change your mind: it’s easy to change from one Searchie Hub to multiple Hubs and vice versa. So this is not an irreversible decision!
Speaking of creating Searchie Hubs, I can take that daunting task off your plate with my VIP Intensive. This frees you up to work in your zone of genius while I work in the mine to give you the Searchie Hub of your dreams!
Free Searchie Starter Kit
Free Searchie Starter Kit
This series of eight, five minute videos will walk you through step-by-step how to get started on Searchie and launch your course or membership site.
Let’s Create Your Hub!
If you feel stuck or overwhelmed with Searchie, I create Hubs for my clients to get them moving…making money tomorrow!
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