Ready or Not, You Can Launch

Are you an “entrepreneur-in-waiting?” That’s not a royal attendant, but rather an entrepreneur who keeps hitting the snooze button on launching their business idea because they’re “not ready.” I’m not trying to shame anyone; we’ve all done this in one form or another. We spend time researching, planning, learning, discussing, dreaming… but nothing will truly happen until we take a deep breath and make our offering to the world.

I’m here to cheer you on and to tell you that you can and should launch fast—”ready” or not. And Searchie makes it easy to launch now and iterate later!

Everything is a Trial Run

Part of what bogs us down in planning and hesitation is the idea that we will launch a perfect offering. It’s important to realize that nothing is perfect and that constant improvement and iteration is the norm. You’re not surprised when you need to do a software update; likewise, your clients will not be surprised or upset if the Searchie program they bought from you changes—especially when it’s changing for the better.

Launching Fast and Small Saves Money and Time

Marketing guru Seth Godin advises that you “ship” your work and get feedback. Make your offering to ten people or your email list—no fancy lead magnet needed. Then observe the response. You foresaw a need in the market for your offering… Does this initial data support that belief? If so, continue with your offering’s evolution and offer it more widely. If not, you have a golden opportunity to gather input from the people you made the offer to. What were their reasons for not participating? Use this data to plan your next move.

Use a Template for Fast and Dirty Searchie Hub Creation

Don’t get hung up on creating the perfect bespoke Searchie Hub. I’ve launched memberships and other offerings with a very basic Hub that took me less than half an hour to set up. Why would I do this, despite my ability to do a much fancier Searchie Hub? Because my focus was on getting top-notch content into the hands of hungry clients, NOW. Certainly, I’ve created fancy Searchie Hubs for some of my offerings. But with others, I see an opportunity and I take action fast.

One way to speed up your Searchie Hub setup is to use one of my Guided Searchie Hub Templates. Buy the template that suits your project (Searchie Membership Hub, Searchie Course Template, or Searchie Sales Page Template). These take you by the hand and lead you through the whole process. It’s like hiring a pro to help you—but a lot cheaper! These templates take a lot of the planning out of the equation and help you to quickly and easily create a great-looking, effective Hub. Set up your Stripe Integration with your Searchie Hub and you’re ready to make sales!

Iteration Will Come Later—and Never End

Whether you launch using a guided template or create a Hub for your offering yourself, get it out there! Once it’s up and running, you can gather valuable testimonials and feedback from your initial clients (these folks are treasures—treat them as such). You can use that to improve your offering, create a lead magnet and sales funnel, market your membership, fancy up your graphics, add content or digital products such as ebooks, pdfs, lessons, live calls, assessments, and more. Who knows—maybe you’ll decide to host an industry summit on Searchie!

Iteration never ends, which is probably the best reason to launch before you feel ready. Just think of your initial offering as version one, with a plan that a year from now it will have evolved and grown. Just like human life, there is the exponential change in the early years and then more gradual change as the person—or product—reaches maturity. So bring that baby offering to life and get ready for nurturing it as it grows and develops!

Let’s Create Your Hub!

If you feel stuck or overwhelmed with Searchie, I create Hubs for my clients to get them moving…making money tomorrow!

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*Some of these links are affiliate links, which means I may get a commission if you purchase. However, none of the fees of these resources have been increased to compensate me. When possible, if special discounts are provided to me, I extend them to you!


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