How To Incorporate Nature Into Your Searchie Hub Design
Many of my clients are excited to use Searchie to bring their online course, membership, or coaching program to market but are also scared and unsure when it comes to designing their Searchie Hub. For many, they’d prefer to hand the task of design over to me by opting for my Build My Searchie Hub VIP Experience.
But Searchie design is something that we can all learn to do with some time and practice. In this post, I’m going to show you a great Searchie design trick: how you can take the inspiration of nature—for example, the gorgeous fall scenery I’m currently awed by—and use that as seasonal Searchie design inspiration. Wondering how to use nature to inspire your Searchie Hub design? Read on!
Let Nature Create a Color Palette for You
So many of us feel inept when it comes to color. I know people who pretty much always wear black just to avoid the confusion of color-coordinating their outfits.
I want to let you know about a “cheat” that really helps me, and that’s letting nature help me find a pleasing color palette! How? Start by taking a photo of a scene that you find appealing, as I did below with my backyard in autumn. You can also look through old vacation photos and select a landscape that makes your heart sing.
Next, use a color palette generator such as this one from Canva or this one by Adobe. I used Adobe’s color palette generator to select a few color palettes based on my backyard photo. I simply uploaded my photo into the Adobe palette generator and it came up with the color schemes. I was able to toggle between different options and I could have explored other colors that are “neighbors” of the ones they picked, but I didn’t feel the need—the palettes that Adobe chose are lovely! Here are the exciting results I got:
As you can see, I got different results based the type of palette I requested (such as “deep,” “colorful,” or “muted”). I’m in love with all of these palettes, and they are all harmonious because they come from nature.
Use Images from Nature
Another way to use nature to inspire your Searchie design is to use imagery from nature. Those photos of pretty leaves and fun fall mushrooms just might be the perfect banner image or gauzy overlay for your Hub!
As an example and a free gift to you, I’ve created some templates using copyright-free fall imagery. Check it out here, and use them as you wish!
Use Themes from Nature
Let’s say that you’ve been looking at all the acorns on the ground this fall, and thinking about the potential growth that acorns represent. This tiny thing contains the material for a giant tree that could live for centuries! And you find that this is symbolic of your clients, or your business, or your program—why not use that acorn symbol as a recurring icon in your Searchie Hub?
There are many powerful themes in nature that can be symbolic of our mission and the work that we offer the world through our Searchie Hubs: leaves, grass, mushrooms, acorns, gourds, corn mazes, hot cider, apples, and more. Give it some deep thought and you’ll come away with some legit design ideas for your Searchie Hub!
Use Nature to Reflect Their Life
According to our friends at HubSpot, The average landing page conversion rate across all industries is 9.7%, so making sure that your landing page speaks to your clients is key. Is your target audience outdoorsy? While keeping your company branding consistent, look and see where you can switch out a few images and colors in your Searchie Hub design to reflect different seasons, moods and activities. Are your clients parents? If so, your clients live and die by that school calendar. Photos or colors that reflect fall, back to school, and snow days will benefit your business.
Keep It Fresh
Searchie Hub Landing pages typically offer visitors something that they may be interested in, like a pop up discount, an Ebook, or a free trial, in exchange for contact information. These simple graphics can get stale over time, though. By changing out colors, adding a spring flower border from Canva or plugging in a pic of you belly flopping into the pool might make a customer take a second look at that offer. Pro tip: Put these “refresh” dates in your yearly calendar, such as, “Oct 1st—Hub refresh: Halloween graphic/photo and color.”
Social Media Marketing for Your Searchie Hub
If you already have those nature pics, use them on social media, too! Along with your CTA (Call To Action) and providing value, using relevant images and hashtags helps new people find you and your service. No matter what season it is, sharing photos of nature in the current season is an algorithm favorite. So if you want a bump in eyeballs, share that amazing beach hammock pic after a #longsummerday. You are reminding those who click "like" that you like the same things they like. It's called culture matching: people like other people who like the same stuff they do....and who doesn't like the beach?
It Doesn’t Have to Be Fall
I hope that the wheels are starting to turn for you, and that you’re feeling more empowered to design your Searchie Hub and the marketing surrounding it. Remember that it doesn’t have to be autumn that feeds your design: if you’re more a spring, summer, or winter lover, you can use the same methods! You can also disregard the seasons and think more thematically, like the ocean, the beach (my personal fave), old growth forests, and more.
If you’re still feeling like Searchie Hub design is not in your wheelhouse—or you just don’t feel that you have time for that—consider my Build My Hub VIP Experience. I’ve helped hundreds of clients get their Searchie Hubs up and running, and I’d love to help you, too!
Let’s Create Your Hub!
If you feel stuck or overwhelmed with Searchie, I create Hubs for my clients to get them moving…making money tomorrow!
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