How Do You Build Your Website?

Happy smiling woman with curly hair lounging on couch.

Building a website can feel like a daunting task. There are S0. MANY. THINGS. THINK. ABOUT. I've got to tel1 you, even as I started Shell Creative nearly two years ago, I was wracked over the decisions I had to make about building my site.

  • What platform do I use? Do I go with WordPress or Wix? What about Squarespace or Kajabi? Can I build my site in Searchie?

  • How much will this cost? Am I spending too much? Can I get it for free? If I get it for free, will it mean it's bad? Someone said I should spend $10 - $15k or it will be an awful site - are they being truthful?

  • What do I put my pages? Do I need a landing page? Do I need a blog? I was told I need to keep my homepage to a minimum, what does that mean? I saw that I have to put a social media feed my homepage - is that true?

Anyway ... you get the point. Maybe you've been plagued by some of these same questions?

If figuring all this out is like standing in the cereal aisle trying to decide what to put in your cart - your head is getting ready to explode - rest assured, it doesn't have to be so complicated!

Here's one thing I need you to know. Like so much else in the world, a website built on a well-planned, strong foundation is one that will be easier to build, will run more efficiently and will last longer.

Thinking through just five steps before you begin can make all the difference in the world. And that's why I've come out with my, "How to Build a Website" guide. lt's a perfect handbook to getting started. It has five steps to walk you through the critical areas you need to consider as you prepare yourself for this journey. Where I see people struggle most is the "choose a set up" stage. So I've laid out some of the pros and cons of each of the major - CMS, Builders and Yourself/Professional - so that you'll be able to sort through the information, make a decision more quickly, and move on1y I didn't forget other key phases - picking a domain, optimizing for SEO, and more.

I wish that I'd had something like this when I was in the early days of starting Shell Creative. I had to research tons of articles online, blog post after blog post, and talk to tons of people. Then, I had to make quite a few missteps in order to get to where I am today.

Fill out my contact form to get a copy of the guide.

Let's work together so that you don't have to endure that same sort of spend your days working on the parts of your business you enjoy most ... don't get caught in a website design mess. Get to beach-calm breezy and the freedom you deserve by taking a bit of time now to build a great foundation. This will set you up for success for years to come.

Shell, yes! Here's to your success!

Talk soon,



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