7 Reasons Searchie is THE Platform for Hosting a Membership

If you’re someone who creates and manages a lot of video and audio content, Searchie is the best way to efficiently make use of all that content and share it effectively with your audience. I’ve written about the many things that Searchie does and why I’m a big Searchie fan, but today I want to talk to the membership creators (or wannabe membership hosts) out there and share with you my top 7 reasons why your membership should absolutely be on Searchie.

Ready? Let’s go!

Offering Multiple Tiers is no Problem in Searchie

Creating multiple membership tiers is a smart move. You can offer a lower-end membership level which is basically a self-study format: you provide current and future content, and the member consumes it on their own. The next tier costs a bit more and it will contain some bells and whistles, such as an online course or group Zoom calls. Finally, a top tier of your membership should be at a premium price and include some high value perks, such as small group or one-on-one sessions with you. This gives your prospective members some choices about the features that they want and the price they’re willing to pay.

How does Searchie keep track of who’s at which tier and how do they access their “stuff”? Tagging! When your member signs up and completes their payment and registration (more on that in a minute), their user account will have tags attached to it within Searchie based on the membership level they purchase. In your Searchie library and in your Searchie Hub, you use tags to determine who sees what content.

For example, someone who bought the intermediate tier of membership will see a thumbnail in their membership portal that will take them to the course that their tier has access to. Meanwhile, someone at the lowest-price tier will not see that course there at all, and the top-tier members will have access to the areas that are designated to go with their membership-level benefits. 

Searchie’s Stripe Integration Makes it Easy

We’re talking about three different price points—and there may actually be six different prices, depending on whether the member wants to pay monthly or annually. This can all be laid out in your Stripe customer portal, which the members will access as they sign up for your membership. Stripe will handle the monthly or yearly recurring payments, so you don’t have to!

You can also create a free trial period using Searchie and your Stripe customer portal. And we all know that a free trial period can really help seal the deal!

Searchie Takes Them Along the Learning Path

Any membership worth its salt has a planned learning path for the members. This keeps the learners on track and progressing in a thoughtful manner rather than just hitting them with a firehose of information. I learned that from the guru of effective memberships, Stu McLaren. If you’re considering a membership, you’ll probably want to learn about his TME (The Membership Experience) program!

Searchie makes it easy for you to prepare playlists for each step of the learning path. You can create written materials that go with your videos as well as audio files for those who prefer to listen to the content podcast-style on the go. Using the tagging feature I mentioned earlier, you can make it so new modules appear on a set calendar schedule (dripped content, like a new module each week or each month), or the member can see their next module as soon as they’ve completed the current module. It’s all up to you.

Searchie also makes your content more accessible to people with disabilities and different learning styles: Your videos can have captions, downloadable transcripts, or be available as audio files.

Searchie Can Automatically Add New Content

One of the most valuable things about membership Hubs is that they become more and more value packed over time. Each guest speaker, live coaching call or Q&A call, and new resource makes the membership Hub that much more of a rich resource for new and future members (another reason for future price increases).

It takes time and commitment on your part to host these live sessions—you shouldn’t have any hassles with adding them to your membership Hub! Searchie makes it automatic, taking this chore off your already-full plate. Thanks to Searchie’s integration with Zoom, you can set it up so your live calls will automatically be uploaded to Searchie when they’re over, and the video will be placed in exactly the right playlist. All you need to do is host your lively live session and then move on! That recording becomes a helpful resource for current and future members.

Searchie is Searchable!

Remember when I mentioned the ever-growing value of your membership? That’s because over time it becomes more and more infused with valuable content. The downside to that is that it quickly becomes too much to simply wade through. You don’t want your members to feel like they’re looking for a needle in a haystack when they’re looking for something specific!

Searchie is a search engine for your content. The Searchie search bar (which I recommend that you have on each page of your Searchie Membership Hub) helps your member (or you, for that matter) search for a specific term and then be taken not only to the videos where that term is mentioned but to the exact moment the term was uttered. It’s an incredible time-saver! How much time have you wasted searching for content? That ends when your content is in your Searchie Library!

Searchie Helps You Create Community

Memberships are all about creating and fostering a community, right? So you need a platform that helps you create a thriving membership community. Searchie does this several ways:

  • Your audience directory can help members see who’s in the membership and connect with each other. During Searchie onboarding, you can gather information about your members, and some of this can be used to allow members to search the directory. For example, they can search for other members in their geographic region or who have another similarity. 

  • You can connect your Searchie Membership Hub to your community forum, if you have one. This can be through a thumbnail in your Membership Hub or it can be a widget that pops up the community forum in a new window in front of the membership Hub. 

  • Searchie’s gamification can get people connecting. You can use VideoAsk to let people record short videos in response to a question, or set up achievements to reward the members for taking actions like posting in the community forum.

Searchie’s Hub Interface is Easy to Navigate

Searchie makes it easy to create a clean interface for your Membership Hub that reflects your branding. This way, it only takes a glance for the member to know where to go to find their next learning module, the calendar of events, the link for live calls, archives, and the community forum. It’s all right there! 

And if you’re worried about creating a membership Hub that is effective and clear, my guided Searchie Membership Hub Template will walk you through it! It shows you what to put where—and it’s easy to add your own branding and customization. No two Hubs created from my templates look the same!

What does a Searchie Membership Hub interface look like? Here’s an example created by my client Sherry Jibb, who created a wonderful Searchie Membership Hub for women at midlife who want to improve their health: 

Searchie—The Best Membership Site Platform

I could go on and on about why Searchie is the best platform for hosting a membership. It’s a well-known fact that I’m obsessed with Searchie! I’ve hosted memberships of my own via Searchie and I’ve helped scores of entrepreneurs like you launch their memberships on Searchie via my guided Searchie Hub Templates and my Build My Searchie Hub VIP Experience. If you’re dreaming of hosting a membership (or migrating your current membership), be sure to host it on Searchie!

Let’s Create Your Hub!

If you feel stuck or overwhelmed with Searchie, I create Hubs for my clients to get them moving…making money tomorrow!

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