Making a Living as a Searchie Evangelist
Mitch Aunger is an entrepreneur who helps other entrepreneurs grow their traffic in a way that attracts interested prospects. He calls it viral traffic, but emphasizes that he uses the word “viral” not to describe how many prospects are reached but rather to describe the level of interest of the prospects reached.
When Mitch discovered Searchie a few years ago, he became excited at the possibilities it offered. He has since made money by guiding people to Searchie and training them how to use it.
In my interview with Mitch, he shows us several examples of his Searchie Hubs and explains how he helps people put Searchie to use.
Helpful Examples of All Searchie Hub Components
Mitch’s Hub,, has a Hubs Demo tab, where the viewer is taken to a Hub that shows examples of all of the possible features and sections a Hub can have, such as a playlist section, a search section, a CTA section, and so much more. What an effective way to both show and tell the audience!
Online Searchie Training
Mitch has developed online courses on how to use Searchie, and he also hosts a mastermind to provide even more support to Searchie users. He uses Searchie to provide mastermind members access to the recordings of the live calls as well as bonuses.
Mitch has all of his mastermind members assign themselves a unique word (something that isn’t commonly used, like “pastry”). Each time the member’s questions are answered in live calls with Mitch, he uses that word, which allows the users to use Searchie’s search function to easily find the places where they got their answers. What a great idea!
Searchie Resource Central
Another clever and helpful part of Mitch’s Searchie offerings is his free Hubs Market. Here Mitch keeps a running list of resources for the prospective Searchie user, from templates to experts to sample Hubs to training.
In establishing himself as a Searchie expert and evangelist, Mitch earns money from Searchie’s generous affiliate program and serves as an educator and conduit for all things Searchie.
Advice from the Searchie Expert
Mitch’s advice to new Searchie users is to not get overwhelmed—start easy, so you can see how easy Searchie is to use. Identify your goals, and then spend time planning your Hub so that implementation goes quickly and smoothly.
Mitch also advises people to gain an understanding of what Searchie does and think about how it can best support them.
Hire Me!
How about you? Are you on fire with ideas about how Searchie can serve your business? Talk to me about your goals. You can even hire me for a day to get your Hub created in a flash!
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